Festx- National Level Symposium
A 2-day national Level Symposium was conducted by the department of Computer Science and Business Systems. A range of technical and non technical events were conducted over the span of the 2 days.
Two chief guests, Mrs. Rajalakshmi Srinivasan and Mr. Banuchandran Kannan were invited to the inauguration ceremony. Mrs. Rajalakshmi, the Director of Product Management of Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd, gave a speech on the growth and importance of AI. She pointed out importance of knowing AI in today’s technologies and how it is predicted to grow in the coming years. Mr. Banuchandran Kannan, the Associate Director of Cognizant Pvt. Ltd talked about the most widely used AI based software and applications today like ChatGPT and gave the students a guide on how to make optimal use of them.
Innovative events like Propose to investors, bloody buggers and many others were conducted. Having both computer and business in the course, the students made sure to conduct technical events in both computer and business aspects. Apart from these technical events, non technical events like lights on and paragon quest were conducted. In addition to all these events, multiple gaming stalls, food stalls and poster stalls were set up for the participants to explore. Hackaholic is a 24 hour hackathon which was conducted on both days.
The festa gathered an impressive participation of 300+ students both from within and other colleges. Festx allowed the participants to interact with domain experts and allowed them to present their business and start-up ideas to them. The proposals that piqued the interest of the panel judges were to be picked and sponsored towards its development.
Each participant was not only provided with useful opportunities but also a fun experience. At the end of the second day the prize ceremony took place where the chief guest Mr. Rajmohan graced the participants with his witty jokes and speech. The winners of each event were announced and were given certificates.
Date and Time
- Start time: 16 Apr 2023 03:30 AM UTC
- End time: 17 Apr 2023 10:30 AM UTC
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Rajalakshmi of Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd,
The growth and importance of AI
She pointed out importance of knowing AI in today’s technologies and how it is predicted to grow in the coming years.
the Director of Product Management of Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd,
Banuchandran of Cognizant Pvt. Ltd
The most widely used AI based software and applications
the most widely used AI based software and applications today like ChatGPT and gave the students a guide on how to make optimal use of them.
the Associate Director of Cognizant Pvt. Ltd