Sections Congress 2023: The Promise, The Reality, The Legacy

#r5 #training #SectionsCongress

Sections Congress is the triennial flagship IEEE event that brings together IEEE volunteers from every member country to share ideas and solutions. IEEE volunteer leaders from around the world meet to exchange ideas and learn about IEEE products and programs IEEE offers to members in their local areas. These leaders also attend sessions to improve their personal leadership skills that are beneficial in their own careers and have the opportunity to network with a wide range of IEEE volunteers including the IEEE President.

For IEEE members that are not currently volunteers this panel discussion will provide pointers to information that can be used for personal skills development as well as learning about their local organizations that provide opportunities for technical knowledge and skills development.

For current IEEE volunteers this panel discussion will provide information that can be used to enhance your ability to provide programs and services to your local IEEE community, as well as encouraging you to consider participation in a future Sections Congress.

Panelists with a cross section of backgrounds in Region 5 including Young Professionals (YPs), new officers, veteran officers, Section, Chapter, and Affinity group officers, women and men, will talk about their experience at SC2023, including references to programs they found useful to support members and provide personal development.

Join us to hear their stories and hear how you can still benefit from this recent SC2023 event.


Moderator: John Reinert, Region 5 Sections Congress Coordinator

Colleen Bailey, PSD, Section Chair, Fort Worth Section

Hayley Hirschfield, OSD, YP Chair, Central Texas Section

Art Depoian, OSD, Branch Chapter Graduate Advisor, Fort Worth Section

Italo Bett, PSD, Section Secretary, Kansas City Section

Faye Kann, West Area Chair, Region 5, Black Hills Subsection

Note: PSD: Primary Section Delegate; OSD: Other Section Delegate.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 20 Sep 2023
  • Time: 07:30 PM to 08:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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  • Starts 12 September 2023 07:54 PM
  • Ends 20 September 2023 08:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
  • No Admission Charge