IEEE Day Celebration: Better microwave devices with novel materials

#IEEEDay #microwave #technical #material

Various microwave devices heavily depends on the properties of some materials or on some physical phenomena exhibited by some materials or fabricated structures. For example a dielectric resonator requires materials with high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss and temperature independent dielectric properties. Likewise varactors are possible with thin films of ferroelectrics as they exhibit electric field dependent dielectric constant. The electroacoustic conversion possible with piezoelectric thin films are useful for making miniaturized microwave resonators. In all these the processing of the materials play a crucial role. Also the measurement techniques that are to be employed for extracting the microwave range material properties are interesting especially for thin films. Such devices and phenomena leads to novel devices like magnetless miniaturized circulators and quantum acoustodynamic devices that are needed in quantum computing and other emerging applications. An interesting new addition is the role of magneto electric bilayers. That lead to a host of applications that involves magnetic properties but accessible through electric field, thereby miniaturization is possible. The talk will highlight these aspects with the background of the work done by the speaker’s group at University of Hyderabad.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 07 Oct 2023
  • Time: 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Prof. KK Nair Auditorium, Department of ECE
  • Osmania Univerisity
  • Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
  • India

  • Contact Event Hosts


Prof. K. C. James Raju Prof. K. C. James Raju


Better Microwave Devices with Novel Materials

Various microwave devices heavily depends on the properties of some materials or on some
physical phenomena exhibited by some materials or fabricated structures. For example a
dielectric resonator requires materials with high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss and
temperature independent dielectric properties. Likewise varactors are possible with thin films of
ferroelectrics as they exhibit electric field dependent dielectric constant. The electroacoustic
conversion possible with piezoelectric thin films are useful for making miniaturized microwave
resonators. In all these the processing of the materials play a crucial role. Also the
measurement techniques that are to be employed for extracting the microwave range material
properties are interesting especially for thin films. Such devices and phenomena leads to novel
devices like magnetless miniaturized circulators and quantum acoustodynamic devices that are
needed in quantum computing and other emerging applications. An interesting new addition is
the role of magneto electric bilayers. That lead to a host of applications that involves magnetic
properties but accessible through electric field, thereby miniaturization is possible. The talk will
highlight these aspects with the background of the work done by the speaker’s group at
University of Hyderabad.


Brief Biodata :

Prof. K C James Raju

M.Sc (Physics), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala

Ph.D (IIT, Madras). 1996. With Best Thesis Award.

Joined University of Hyderabad in 1996. Became Professor in 2009. Senior Professor in 2019.

Served as Head of Centre for Advanced Studies in Electronics Science and Technology (CASEST).

Currently serving as Dean, School of Physics.


Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellow of INAE.

Visitor’s (President of India) Awardee for Technology Development.

Working at the interface of electronic materials and their applications in miniaturized microwave devices exploitinbg various physical phenomena. Started working with microwave dielectric resonators using bulk low loss dielectrics. Then proceeded to thin films of dielectrics, ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics. Recently working with magnetic thin films and magnetoelectric multilayers also. Working on development of ferroelectric thin film based varactors. Then proceeded to work with miniaturized high Q microwave resonators with electro acoustic resonance. At present working with magnet free miniature circulators and electric field control of magnetic properties using magnetoelectric multilayers.

Guided 15 Ph.Ds, 30 M.Techs and completed more than 20 funded projects. Number of Papers in refereed Journals -200, Patents filed-4.


1. Introduction about IEEE and Chapter by Chapter Chair

2. Address by Past Chair

3. introdcution of speaker and Topic

4. Expert Talk on "Better microwave devices with novel materials"

5. Question and Answer Session

6. Vote of Thanks


IEEE MTT-S/AP-S/EMC-S Jt. Chapter Expert Talk IEEE Day Celebrations: Better Microwave Devices with Novel Materials 904.80 KiB