Smart Mobility and Robotics seminar – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2023
The traditional chapter yearly seminar will be organized in Dipoli / Palaver, Aalto University, Espoo, on Thursday 17.11.2023, 1PM – 5PM. To address the trends in smart mobility and robotics, AI , the theme this year is ‘Smart mobility and robotics applications‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around mobility, robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.
Registration is free, but mandatory and can be done here: TBD
The tentative program of the seminar is as follows:
Place: Aalto University Espoo, Otaniemi, building Dipoli, meeting room Palaver
12:00 – 13:00 – Joint lunch with Chapter officers, members and guests (Fazer restaurant Dipoli)
13:00 – 13:10 – Dr. Yancho Todorov, VTT, Opening of the seminar
13:10 – 13:50 – Risto Ojala, Kari Tammi, Aalto University, Perception solutions for enabling automated driving in winter conditions.
13:50 – 14.30 – Yancho Todorov, VTT, Digital piloting for city logistics: An approach to accelerate the green transition
14:30 – 15:00 – Coffee break
15:00 – 15:40 – Markku Suomalainen, VTT, Intelligent Robotics in Manufacturing
15:40 – 16:20 – Dominic Bauman, Aalto University, Wireless control of cyber-physical systems
16:20 – Panel discussion and closing words, Pasi Hurri, BaseN
Date and Time
- Date: 17 Nov 2023
- Time: 10:00 AM UTC to 03:00 PM UTC
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- Otakaari 24
- Meeting room Palaver
- Otaniemi, Espoo, Sodra Finlands Lan
- Finland 02150
- Building: Dipoli
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by BaseN Corporation
Risto Ojala of Aalto University
Perception solutions for enabling automated driving in winter conditions
Winter conditions pose severe challenges for automated driving technologies. Enabling automated driving in winter conditions is a key goal of our laboratory. This talk will present solutions that our laboratory has developed to overcome challenges related to automated vehicle perception in adverse weather and snowy road conditions. The solutions have been developed for the central perception sensors of automated vehicles: LIDAR and camera. Applying deep learning methods, we've been able to denoise point clouds of airborne snow particles, segment snow-covered roads from images, as well as determine the friction properties of the road.
Risto Ojala received his BSc, MSc, and DSc degrees from Aalto University in 2019, 2021, and 2023, respectively. Currently, he continues at Aalto as a postdoctoral researcher at the Autonomy & Mobility laboratory. He has authored several peer-reviewed journal publications, and his research interests focus on automated vehicles, mobile robotics, computer vision, and machine learning
Yancho Todorov of VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
Digital piloting for city logistics: An approach to accelerate the green transition
The talk presents a framework for the digital piloting of electrified city logistics fleets based on digital twin like simulation approach empowered by operational data and insights. It aims to facilitate the digital exploration of zero-emission transition scenarios and identify solutions that fit various operational constraints. To demonstrate its potential, two study scenarios focusing on urban and suburban logistics will be discussed. Both include conventional and various emerging electric vehicle technologies, complemented by techno-economical and emission reduction assessments. To enhance perception and foster trust in utilizing digital tools in the logistics sector, augmented reality will be also demonstrated as a visualization tool for one of the digital pilots.
Markku Suomalainen of VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
Intelligent robotics in manufacturing
This talk will go through some of the current trends of using robotics in manufacturing industries, and also present the currently ongoing work of the VTT robotics team.
Dr. Markku Suomalainen is the research team leader of Intelligent Robotics team at VTT. His research interests include heavy-duty vehicle automation and VR-based teleoperation, as well as multiple facets of robotic manipulation: learning from demonstration, easy CAD-based skill programming, CAD-based localization, and force-based industrial robot skills.
Dominic Bauman of Aalto University
Wireless control of cyber-physical systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate physical processes with computing and communication to autonomously interact with the environment. Especially in the context of smart manufacturing, this has elicited high expectations, e.g., of teams of mobile robots coordinating themselves over wireless networks to manufacture products. In industrial practice, however, wireless technology is mostly restricted to narrowly defined use cases and already there causes severe problems, for instance, unpredictable message loss. In this talk, I will present a holistic approach toward wireless control of CPS that aims at closing the gap between vision and reality of smart manufacturing. At design time (i.e., prior to execution), we tame typical imperfections inherent in wireless networks, such as communication delays and message loss, to the extent possible. The remaining imperfections are then accounted for through feedback control. At run time (i.e., during execution), we let systems reason about communication demands and allocate communication resources accordingly. We provide theoretical stability guarantees and evaluate the approach on a cyber-physical testbed, featuring a multi-hop wireless network supporting multiple cart-pole systems. An alternative to the careful co-design of communication and control can be seen in the usage of machine learning algorithms. While those can often not provide theoretical guarantees, they can be applied to high-dimensional and nonlinear systems. A major challenge here lies in the hybrid nature of resource-aware control, with discrete communication and continuous control decisions. I will discuss how hierarchical reinforcement learning techniques can be used to address this challenge and present results on high-dimensional simulation benchmarks and a real-world robot arm.
Dominic Bauman is currently an assistant professor at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. Before, he received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from TU Dresden. He then was a joint Ph.D. student with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany and KTH Stockholm, Sweden, and received the Ph.D. degree, also in electrical engineering, in 2020. After his Ph.D., he was a postdoctoral researcher at RWTH Aachen University, Germany and at Uppsala University, Sweden. Dominik has received the best paper award at the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, the best demo award at the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Systems, and the future award of the Ewald Marquardt foundation. His research interests revolve around learning and control for networked multi-agent systems.