Embedded AI Applications
IEEE OKC invites you to join the event below, organized by Oklahoma International Publishing on October 4, 2023
This virtual event is free of charge to IEEE Oklahoma City members. Please register ahead of time to receive the proper instructions for remote participation:
"Embedded AI Applications"
Subramaniam Ganesan, PhD
Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA
Short Biography:
Dr. Subramaniam Ganesan is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA. He is a senior member of IEEE, was IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visiting Speaker, IEEE Region 4 technical activities member, and Fellow of ISPE. He received the Lifetime Achievement award from ISAM, Lloyd L. Withrow Distinguished Speaker Award from SAE, Best Paper award from ISAM, and the Best Teacher award from ASEE and Oakland University. More details are on his website. www.secs.oakland.edu/~ganesan
Date and Time
- Date: 04 Oct 2023
- Time: 01:55 PM UTC to 03:05 PM UTC
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IEEE OKC Cosponsors: Pierre Tiako, Tiako University; Tom Jobe, BioInSpire LLC, Hyacinthe Aboudja, Oklahoma City University; Bob Scolli, IEEE OKC
- Co-sponsored by Pierre Tiako
08:55am - 09:00am Virtual Meeting Speaker Introduction
09:00am - 09:45am Virtual Meeting Keynote
09:45pm - 10:00am Virtual Meeting Q &A