AI and Digital Transformation: Industry Driven Partnerships
IEEE OKC invites you to join the October 4, 2023 event organized by Oklahoma International Publishing and the IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor Program.
This virtual event is free of charge to IEEE Oklahoma City members. Please register ahead of time to receive the proper instructions for remote participation:
"AI and Digital Transformation: Industry Driven Partnerships"
Adel S. Elmaghraby, PhD
University of Louisville, KY, USA
Short Biography:
Professor Adel S. Elmaghraby is the University of Louisville Director of Research and Innovation for the Digital Transformation Center, he is also Director of Industrial Research and Innovation and Winnia Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Speed School of Engineering – University of Louisville. He received both his MS and PhD degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) and his BS degree from Alexandria University (Egypt). He has also held appointments at the Software Engineering Institute – Carnegie-Mellon University, The American University in Cairo, and as A Fulbright Scholar at Qatar University. He advised over 60 master’s graduates and 36 doctoral graduates. Dr. Elmaghraby’s research and consulting spans the areas of Intelligent Multimedia Systems, Artificial Intelligence, HPC, Cybersecurity, Visualization, and Simulation. His research applications include Smart Cities, Data Analytics, Medical Imaging, Bioinformatics, and Computer-Aided Diagnostics. He is a well-published author, a public speaker, a member of editorial boards, and a technical reviewer. He was recognized for his achievements by several professional organizations including a Golden Core Charter Membership by the IEEE Computer Society at the 50TH-anniversary celebration. Professor Elmaghraby continued collaborations, mentoring, and scientific contributions have resulted in research funding, international collaboration, and published articles in many prestigious journals such as IEEE-TMI, Medical Physics, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, and Protein Engineering. He is a Life Senior Member of IEEE, the former President and a lifetime member of the Association of Egyptian American Scholars.
Date and Time
- Date: 04 Oct 2023
- Time: 11:55 AM to 01:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
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IEEE OKC Cosponsors: Pierre Tiako, Tiako University; Tom Jobe, BioInSpire LLC, Hyacinthe Aboudja, Oklahoma City University; Bob Scolli, IEEE OKC
- Co-sponsored by Pierre Tiako
- Starts 25 September 2023 03:53 PM
- Ends 04 October 2023 11:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
- No Admission Charge
11:55am - 12:00pm Virtual Meeting Speaker Introduction
12:00pm - 12:45am Virtual Meeting Keynote
12:45pm - 01:00pm Virtual Meeting Q &A