#IEEEDay #IEEEDay2023 #CelebrateIEEEDay #IEEEESPRITSB #IEEE #Activities #Family #Celebrations #Onename_onelegend

IEEE ESPRIT SB held an event on the 11th of October at ESPRIT to celebrate the IEEE DAY within the New members and introduce them to the technical part of IEEE community through workshops in various fields corresponding to our units.

Our chairman and Vicechairwoman shared the opening word: walked us through the IEEE benefits, what is IEEE day and how new members can  join us.

We then had each Units' Chairsperson introduce their units' work and familliarize our guests with the fields and thechapters/groups/affinity groups.

We concluded this activity with the Escape Room acitivity for the IEEE Day where members and potential members enjoyed this activity that we prepared with the IEEE DAY Organizing committee 

the workshops were the following : 

1. AESS: Drone Walkthrough with Mr Mehdi Bouzguenda and Mr Aziz ben Gandia 
2. CIS: Intro To AI with Mrs Imen Masmoudi
3. CS:  Problem-solving Workshop with Mr Alaeddine ben Khalifa
4. CS: Python Workshop with Mr Ahmed Selmi
5. IAS&IES&PES: IOT Workshop with Mr Hedi Rouached
6. RAS: ESP32 Workshop with Mr Seifeddine Ezzahi
7. SIGHT: Design Thinking + Pitching Skills with Mrs Jihene Rezgui
8. WIE: Rebrush your interviewing skills Reinvent yourself 


  Date and Time




  • Date: 11 Oct 2023
  • Time: 12:00 PM to 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Amsterdam
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Ariana, Ariana
  • Tunisia

  • Contact Event Host
  • Mohamed Habib Allah Bibani Chairman 

    Balkis Ferjani General Secretary



- Opening word 

- Units' Presentations 

-Escape Game

-Coffee break

- Workshop Sessions : 

1. AESS: Drone Walkthrough 

2. CIS: Intro To AI

3. CS:  Problem-solving Workshop


4. CS: Python Workshop

5. IAS&IES&PES: IOT Workshop

6. RAS: ESP32 Workshop

7. SIGHT: Design Thinking + Pitching Skills

8. WIE: Rebrush your interviewing skills Reinvent yourself

- Closing Ceremony