DAC/ADC Building Blocks - Prof. Staszewski - Hybrid Course
prof. Bogdan Staszewski
DAC/ADC Building Blocks.
Hybrid Course
This tutorial is a continuation of lectures given this year, i.e. "Introduction to System and Circuit Design of Analog to Digital Converters" and provides analysis and circuit design of mixed-signal circuits, i.e., those combining both analog and digital design techniques, concentrating on analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters (ADC & DAC). Topics include Nyquist-rate and oversampled sigma-delta data converters as well as effects of nonlinearities and noise on their system performance.
1. Architectures: Digital-to-analog conversion and references
2. High-speed conversion
Date and Time
- Date: 13 Oct 2023
- Time: 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Warsaw
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