Celebration of IEEE Day 2023: Seminar on “Smart Power Systems: Automating Sustainability in the Age of Climate Change”
Seminar on “Smart Power Systems: Automating Sustainability in the Age of Climate Change”
On Tuesday, 10th October 2023, the IEEE IA-S AIUB Student Branch Chapter organized a seminar titled “Smart Power Systems: Automating Sustainability in the Age of Climate Change” as a segment of the celebratory event of “IEEE Day 2023”. The seminar highlighted the importance of leveraging technology and automation to transition to a more sustainable and climate-resilient energy infrastructure, thereby mitigating the impacts of climate change and contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.
Prof. Dr. A.B.M Siddique Hossain, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch, inaugurated the seminar session which was followed by a cake cutting ceremony. Afterwards, the honorable speaker Dr. Shahriar Khan, Professor, Department of EEE, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) thanked the faculties and IEEE AIUB SB for inviting him to the session. He discussed a wide range of topics, such as automation, sustainability, and climate change, focusing on renewable energy which relates to SDG 13: "Climate Action". He discussed solar energy and electric vehicles (EVs) and shared experiences from visits to power-generating facilities and discussed biofuels, global warming, and the future of oil production. Nuclear energy and climate change were also discussed. The speaker also discussed smart grid evolution, AI origins, and smart load tripping. The discussion concluded with IEEE's opportunities and contributions to major global companies, followed by a Q&A session. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch, presented the token of appreciation to the honorable speaker and gave his kind remarks for the session.
The seminar explored the complexities of the modern world and the various forms of energy, aligning with various SDGs like SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
The event began around 3:00 PM and ended at 4:45 PM. A total of 50+ participants attended the seminar. Distinguished faculty members Dr. Tanbir Ibne Anowar, Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Dr. Rifat Hazari, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Deputy Director, Dr. Anwarul Abedin Institute of Innovation; Md. Shahariar Parvez, Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Mr. Tamim Hossain, Lecturer, Department of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB, also attended the seminar.
Date and Time
- Date: 10 Oct 2023
- Time: 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+06:00) Astana
Add Event to Calendar
- Starts 30 September 2023 12:00 AM
- Ends 07 October 2023 11:59 PM
- All times are (UTC+06:00) Astana
- No Admission Charge
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