Dr Rebecca Mercuri Inclusion and Accessibility: Make Operating Radio Easier MORE; HAM Radio - Emergencies, Independence & Accessibility.
Dr Rebecca Mercuri Topics in Inclusion and Accessibility: Make Operating Radio Easier (MORE) Project; HAM Radio for Emergencies, Independence & Accessibility.
IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Taenzer Grant Inclusion & Accessibility Webinar Series, IEEE Region 1, IEEE NJ Coast & North Jersey PACE SIGHT Groups, IEEE NJ Coast & North Jersey Computer Chapters, IEEE NJ Coast & North Jersey WIE, IEEE Princeton Section.
Topics in Inclusion and Accessibility: Making Operating Radio Easier (MORE) Project for Emergencies, Independence, & Accessibility.
Speaker: Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D., K3RPM
Talk Title: The MORE Project for Amateur Radio
Abstract: Far from being an obsolete hobby, Amateur Radio has become increasingly important for everybody and in a wide variety of applications. People with disabling conditions face many challenges in inclusion and accessibility, and may be more dependent upon others for help in everyday life and in emergencies; they may have fewer opportunities to engage in STEM. In emergencies, Amateur Radio is a means to connect people with help, information, and independence. In emergencies, Amateur Radio is a means to connect people with help,
information, and independence. Yet Amateur Radio is available to everyone, and Amateur Radio operators can help themselves and others in an emergency, when regular telecommunications is interrupted, during storms, earthquakes, volcanos, and other natural disasters, during terrorism, and other dangerous situations. Communication is a connection to get help in emergency situations. There are a wide variety of applications include equipment design and development, emergency operations, and international and outer-space communications, using digital and analog modes. The Make Operating Radio Easier (MORE) Project is a grant-funded initiative started during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goal of training and licensing 500 new Amateur Radio operators by June 2026. MORE coordinates with trainers and volunteer examiners, and pays the testing and licensing fees for each new student candidate. A primary goal of MORE is to increase the numbers of youth and non-males who continue to be under-represented in the Amateur Radio population, but all ages and genders are welcome to join and participate. Everyone who completes a 6-session MORE Course and successfully licenses, also receives a Get On The Air (GOTA) kit that includes a dual-band Yaesu handheld radio, plus accessories. This talk will describe experiences and lessons learned from our diverse student population (ranging from age 12 to 80+), along with methods we used to improve student retention and success.
Speaker Bio: Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D., K3RPM, has been a licensed radio operator for over 40 years. She is the founding President and lead Forensic Computer Scientist at Notable Software, Inc., where her caseload has included matters involving contraband, murder, viruses and malware, business disputes, and election recounts (most notably Bush v. Gore). She has testified on the federal, state, and local level as well as to the U.K. Cabinet. Rebecca's background also includes industry positions as a software engineer at RCA's David Sarnoff Research Center and AT&T Holmdel, professorships at Drexel University, Bryn Mawr College, and Drew University, and research fellowships at Harvard University. She is a life member of the Association of Computing Machinery and the Audio Engineering Society, and a Senior Distinguished Contributor to the IEEE Computer Society. MORE about Dr. Mercuri can be found at <notablesoftware.com> and <n2re.org/m-o-r-e-project>.
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Topic: IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Taenzer Webinar Series: Dr Rebecca Mercuri MORE Project
Time: Nov 14, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Date and Time
- Date: 14 Nov 2023
- Time: 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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Ajay Poddar (akpoddar@ieee.org)
- Co-sponsored by IEEE AP-S COPE
- Starts 06 November 2023 03:13 PM
- Ends 14 November 2023 06:55 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
Dr. Rebecca Mercuri, PhD
Speaker Bio: Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D., K3RPM, has been a licensed radio operator for over 40 years. She is the founding President and lead Forensic Computer Scientist at Notable Software, Inc., where her caseload has included matters involving contraband, murder, viruses and malware, business disputes, and election recounts (most notably Bush v. Gore). She has testified on the federal, state, and local level as well as to the U.K. Cabinet. Rebecca's background also includes industry positions as a software engineer at RCA's David Sarnoff Research Center and AT&T Holmdel, professorships at Drexel University, Bryn Mawr College, and Drew University, and research fellowships at Harvard University. She is a life member of the Association of Computing Machinery and the Audio Engineering Society, and a Senior Distinguished Contributor to the IEEE Computer Society. MORE about Dr. Mercuri can be found at <notablesoftware.com> and <n2re.org/m-o-r-e-project>.
Dr Mercuri Presents
Summary and Discussion
Dr Rebecca Mercuri Topics in Inclusion and Accessibility: Make Operating Radio Easier (MORE) Project; HAM Radio for Emergencies, Independence & Accessibility.