Documentary Night: Charles Proteus Steinmetz:
Divine Discontent: The Life of Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Recently in 2020/21/22 & 2023, as part of an innovative and fresh approach, i.e. a non-traditional meeting event: we presented video documentaries. This was very warmly received. So we decided to continue the good work.
We proudly present, in partnership with the IEEE Foundation: "Divine Discontent: The Life of Charles Proteus Steinmetz"
Summary: This documentary/movie will look at the life and contributions of one of the most celebrated Engineers and inventors, Charles Proteus Steinmetz. Dr. Steinmetz was a legendary figure in his time inside and outside of GE. He was a Chief Consulting Engineer, a Professor at Union College, a Community Activist, and a family man. We will relive his path from a small town in Prussia to New York and his great accomplishments in Science, Engineering, Education, and contributions to Society. Running time is approximately 55 minutes. This documentary is brought to you by the IEEE Foundation who partially funded this. The trailer can be viewed at:
AFTER the movie - we can have a brief discussion session. NOTE: You must supply your own soda pop and popcorn! :-) Trivia may also follow, so bring your Jeopardy hats too. We are celebrating this on the occasion of Steinmetz's birthday (April 9th, 1865).
Attendee Feedback:
As always, I appreciate your organizing your Friday documentaries." -- Stephen Wilkowski
Date and Time
- Date: 05 Apr 2024
- Time: 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
Add Event to Calendar
- Starts 17 November 2023 10:18 AM
- Ends 04 April 2024 10:18 AM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
Sharan Kalwani
Divine Discontent: The Life of Charles Proteus Steinmetz
"Divine Discontent: The Life of Charles Proteus Steinmetz": This documentary/movie will look at the life and contributions of one of the most celebrated Engineers and inventors, Charles Proteus Steinmetz. Dr. Steinmetz was a legendary figure in his time inside and outside of GE. He was a Chief Consulting Engineer, a Professor at Union College, a Community Activist, and a family man. We will relive his path from a small town in Prussia to a small town in New York and his great accomplishments in Science, Engineering, Education, and contributions to Society. Running time approximately 55 minutes. This documentary is brought to you by the IEEE Foundation who partially funded this.
For more on his life - feel free to check out:
Address:Rochester, Michigan, United States, 48309
4:00 PM - Welcome and Introductions, Chapter business update; (on your own) Pizza, Popcorn and Soda Pop
4:05 PM - Documentary
5:15 PM - End of Documentary; Start of Q & A; Group Discussion
5:30 PM - Wrap Up
An IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section event. All are welcome. Consider becoming an IEEE member if such similar events are of professional/academic interest to you/ All follow ups may be sent to Sharan Kalwani