Biomedical and Scientific Imaging with CMOS SPAD Sensors
Zoom link in details. Coffee and tea will be served from 4pm in Tyndall institute. Talk starts at 4.30pm
Advanced manufacturing technologies originally developed for CMOS image sensors have catapulted single photon avalanche diode arrays into the mainstream of imaging leading to volume products in the 3D time of flight imaging and automotive LIDAR. Medical and scientific applications have been slower to emerge but are poised to leverage the wide spectral range, high detection efficiency, low dark noise, picosecond resolution and dense digital integration provided by these technology platforms. This talk will highlight CMOS SPAD solutions to a number of medical and scientific applications including Positron Emission Tomography (PET), fluorescence lifetime imaging for microscopy and cancer margin endoscopy, optical neural interfaces and Raman spectroscopy. The circuit architectures will be reviewed illustrating the symbiosis with 3D time of flight technology. The prospects for future advances exploiting recent 3D stacked process trends will be examined.
Date and Time
- Date: 04 Dec 2023
- Time: 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+00:00) Dublin
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- Tyndall National Institute, Lee Maltings Complex Dyke Parade
- CORK, Cork
- Ireland
- Building: BLOCK B
- Room Number: B.0.17
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by Tyndall National Institute
- Starts 17 November 2023 04:35 PM
- Ends 04 December 2023 03:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+00:00) Dublin
- No Admission Charge
Dr.Robert Henderson
Biomedical and Scientific Imaging with CMOS SPAD Sensors
Robert Henderson (M’82, SM’14, F’21) is a Professor of Electronic Imaging in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. He obtained his PhD in 1990 from the University of Glasgow. From 1991, he was a research engineer at the Swiss Centre for Microelectronics, Neuchatel, Switzerland. In 1996, he was appointed senior VLSI engineer at VLSI Vision Ltd, Edinburgh, UK where he worked on the world’s first single chip video camera. From 2000, as principal VLSI engineer in STMicroelectronics Imaging Division he developed image sensors for mobile phone applications. He joined University of Edinburgh in 2005, designing the first SPAD image sensors in nanometer CMOS technologies in the MegaFrame and SPADnet EU projects. This research activity led to the first volume SPAD time-of-flight products in 2013 in the form of STMicroelectronics Flightsense series which perform an autofocus assist function in more than 150 different smartphone models, recently passing the 1 billion module milestone. He benefits from a long term research partnership with STMicroelectronics in which he explores medical, scientific and high speed imaging applications of SPAD technology. In 2014, he was awarded a prestigious ERC advanced fellowship. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.