A journey from software engineer to VP before getting laid off and going solo

#computer #softwareengineer #chicago #computing

This talk is being hosted by ACM Chicago and IEEE Computer Society Chicago and IEEE Chicago members are invited to attend this with speaker Robbie Clutton who will be talking about his journey from software engineer to VP before getting laid off and going solo.  

  Date and Time




  • Date: 29 Nov 2023
  • Time: 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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Robbie Clutton Robbie Clutton


A journey from software engineer to VP before getting laid off and going solo

Robbie Clutton will walk through his career from software engineer to VP between 2005 leading up to being laid off in 2022. He will discuss how reading a combination of ancient stoic philosophy and red team thinking prepared him for being laid off. His decision process for then going independent, and how it might have been one of those "best things that happened" events.


Robbie Clutton is an adaptable software engineering leader, architect, and manager with experience working on different verticals across markets. Opinionated, driven and enjoyable to work with. Agile practitioner with all the trimmings. He has hired, built and run teams of over 100 people (not resources).

Learn more about Robbie Clutton at The New Stack.

Robbie Clutton


A journey from software engineer to VP before getting laid off and going solo

Our speaker, Robbie Clutton, will walk through his career from software engineer to VP between 2005 leading up to being laid off in 2022. He will discuss how reading a combination of ancient stoic philosophy and red team thinking prepared him for being laid off. His decision process for then going independent, and how it might have been one of those "best things that happened" events.


Robbie Clutton is an adaptable software engineering leader, architect, and manager with experience working on different verticals across markets. Opinionated, driven and enjoyable to work with. Agile practitioner with all the trimmings. He has hired, built and run teams of over 100 people (not resources).

Learn more about Robbie Clutton at The New Stack.


12:00 pm - brief intros
12:05 pm - Presentation by Robbie Clutton
12:45 pm- Q&A
1:00 pm - End