Doctoral Talks Series I

#talk #doctoral

Have you ever wondered if you want to pursue a doctoral degree or how would someone decide to pursue a doctoral degree?

Come join us to find out how ETH Doctoral students decided theirs!

Location: ETL K25
Language: English

  Date and Time




  • Date: 19 Oct 2023
  • Time: 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Bern
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Physikstrasse 3
  • Zurich, Switzerland
  • Switzerland 8092
  • Building: ETL K25

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 01 September 2023 07:00 AM
  • Ends 19 October 2023 06:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Bern
  • No Admission Charge