C Programming Workshop

#ieee #ieeeday #ieeesbcet #cet

A C Programming Workshop was conducted exclusively for first years in connection with IEEE DAY 2023 on the 3rd of October 2023, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Electrical Engineering Department. This workshop aimed to introduce the fundamentals of C programming and its practical applications, with a special focus on beginners, particularly those with a background in Biology. The event commenced with a warm welcome by Saniya Theresa, Joint Secretary of IEEE Student Branch CET and IEEE Day Ambassador 2023, who set the tone for the workshop. 

The first session of the workshop was expertly handled by Adith Ramdas. He discussed the real-life significance of coding and provided practical examples to illustrate its importance. He also shared insights on how first-year students, especially those with a background in Biology, could kickstart their coding careers. His engaging session captivated the audience.

The second session, conducted by Adithyan, delved into the basics of C programming. Participants received a comprehensive introduction to the language, its syntax, and its core concepts. During this session, attendees were given a programming task to complete, and lively discussions were held on how to approach and solve the task.

In the concluding segment, some of the participants shared their feedback on the sessions, expressing their appreciation for the informative content and the interactive nature of the workshop. Saniya Theresa, in her role as the event host, delivered a vote of thanks, acknowledging the efforts of the speakers and the enthusiastic participation of the attendees.

As a token of recognition, certificates were distributed to all the participants to commemorate their participation in the C Programming Workshop. This event was a resounding success in providing valuable insights into the world of coding, specifically tailored for beginners and fostering a sense of enthusiasm for programming among the attendees.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 03 Oct 2023
  • Time: 11:00 AM UTC to 01:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • TC 32/1056(4)
  • Near All Saints College
  • Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
  • India 695007
  • Building: Electrical Department
  • Room Number: EE305

  • Contact Event Host