How Grid Modernization Will Help Shape a Net-Zero Future
This series of Presentations has been occurring for more than 20 years and is now being also advertised to the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) through vTools and other IEEE LMAG's and IEEE members depending upon the topic. At the same time CSSE is using their national organization to provide information, the subject and speaker to members across Canada.
The January meeting of the Edmonton Chapter of CSSE will be held on Thursday January 18, 2024. The Meeting will open at 12:30 pm, Mountain Standard Time, with the presentation starting at 12:45 (2:45pm Eastern Time). The meeting will be held via the Zoom platform, with the actual invitations sent the afternoon of Wednesday January 17. If you plan to attend and be included on the Zoom invite for this meeting please respond to Tom Madsen,, before noon on Wednesday January 17.
The world is changing. Technology advancements combined with a growing urgency to decarbonize human activities is bringing the reality of a Net-Zero world into sharper focus. But what will this historic shift mean for Electric Utilities? This session will explore what the future holds for ATCO Electric’s Grid – why we’ll need to change, how ATCO Electric has begun to modernize the grid, and how the customer experience will ultimately benefit in the future.
Speaker: Raghu Sharma Senior Engineer, Asset Modernization ATCO Electric.
Raghu Sharma is a graduate from the electrical engineering program at the University of Alberta. Since graduating, he has spent his career in Grid Modernization working with organizations including ENMAX, Hatch and most recently has joined the Asset Modernization team at ATCO Energy Systems as a Senior Engineer.
Mr. Sharma worked as part of the team that maintained one of the most successful Distribution Automation deployments in North America during his time with ENMAX. Additionally, he has had experience building fibre ring configurations for better control and visibility of the underground transformers in the Calgary downtown corridor. Most recently, he supported utilities with building out their own frameworks for Grid Modernization during his time on the consulting side with Hatch.
As a recent employee with ATCO Electric, Mr. Sharma is working with the Asset Modernization team to develop strategies to improve customer reliability and interface with the ADMS, EMS and Telecommunications ventures towards a goal of building and operating a fully predictive and responsive distribution system that allows for multi-directional flow of electricity, improved efficiency and flexibility, and delivery of safe, reliable, and affordable energy to customers.
Date and Time
- Date: 18 Jan 2024
- Time: 12:40 PM to 01:50 PM
- All times are (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
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Don't forget to register for the IEEE & IAS Electrical Safety, Technical, Maintenance, and Projects Workshop 2024 in Calgary March 25 to 27. Keynote speaker will be astronaut Dr. Robert Thirsk.