"Nation's First Community AI Supercomputer in Orange County" IEEE OCCS & OC ACM Mtg

#CommunitySupercomputerForAI #CommunityResourceForAI #NVIDIA #ChapmanUniversity #Chapman #Run:ai #CollaborativeOpportunitiesForAI

Please fill out the three question Survey (last link under "Hosts") for IEEE attendance planning and the option to view a recording of the presentation,

Event Details  

The speakers from Trace3 will discuss a collaboration with the CEO Leadership Alliance of Orange County (CLAOC) (NVIDIA, Chapman University, and Run:ai) to establish a framework for the contribution, installation and use of the nation’s first community-focused AI supercomputer. The presentation will highlight the potential benefits, collaborative opportunities, and technological advancements that such a resource could bring to the local community.

About the Speakers Doug Sayles & Josh Lindstrom 

Doug Sayles currently serves as a Senior Solution Architect at Trace3. His career journey has been marked by pivotal roles, including Senior Consulting Systems Engineer positions at Cisco Systems and Hewlett Packard/Compaq Computers. 
Josh Lindstrom is Managing Director of Data Intelligence at Trace3. Before Trace3, Josh was VP at Collier IT and had previous experience at Comm-Works and Eshcelon Telecom. 

NOTE:  This is an IN PERSON meeting.  To receive a link to the event's recording, complete the survey referenced in the header or footer.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 17 Jan 2024
  • Time: 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
  • All times are (GMT-08:00) US/Pacific
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  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Co-sponsored by OC ACM [Actual Host] and Knobbe Martens [Physical Host]
  • Survey: Fill out the survey


6:30 PM Networking at physical meeting location
7:00 PM Announcements and Presentation with Q&A
8:00 PM Follow-up quesitons for presenter and networking
8:30 PM Meeting Adjourned

Please fill out the three question Survey for IEEE attendance (last link under "Hosts").

To sign-up directly at the OC ACM Meetup Page after filling out the survey, please go to https://www.meetup.com/acm-oc/events/296958166/