SusTech Talk Feb. 2024 – Nurturing Sustainability through Ubiquitous Computing
SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the 2024 conference in April.
"Harmony in the Digital Ecosystem: Nurturing Sustainability through Ubiquitous Computing"
with Anandi Giridharan, Principal Research Scientist, ECE (Department of Electrical Communication Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Tuesday, 27-February-2024, 9-10 pm US Eastern, 6-7 pm US Pacific;
- Wednesday, 28-February-2024, 7:30-8:30 am India
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Feb 2024
- Time: 02:00 AM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC
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Anandi Giridharan of Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Harmony in the Digital Ecosystem: Nurturing Sustainability through Ubiquitous Computing
Delving into the intricate relationship between technology, environmental sustainability, and societal well-being, we highlight the transformative potential of ubiquitous computing in fostering a harmonious digital future. Through real-world examples and insights, we aim to inspire listeners to envision and contribute to a connected landscape where technological advancements coexist synergistically with ecological and social values. Join us in this exploration of how ubiquitous computing acts as a catalyst for sustainable practices, creating a harmonized digital environment for a more resilient and balanced future.
Anandi Giridharan is a Principal Research Scientist at the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. She has been with the IISc ECE since 1990. According to the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2023 rankings, IISc is the top ranked research university in India. During her long career with IISC, Anandi Giridharan has pursued her wide ranging research interests in ubiquitous learning, context aware seamless connectivity, network management and multimedia systems, and taught classes in communication protocols and multimedia information systems. Her publications examine applications as diverse as recognizing skin lesions, identifying mobile network services, and designing and validation of communication protocols using formal language.
She has been very active with the IEEE, serving as Branch Counselor for the IEEE IISc Student branch, and has served as Chair of Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology, IEEE Women in Engineering, IEEE CIS, Bangalore Section, and Vice Chair, IEEE HTA (Humanitarian Technology Activities), India Council. Currently she is serving as Vice Chair (membership) in the Bangalore Section.
Address:Bengaluru, India
1800: Introduction of Speaker
1900: Q&A