19th IEEE PES Leuven Power Symposium "Energy Flexibility - Close to the Consumer"
The 19th edition of the IEEE Student Branch Leuven – PES Chapter Power Symposium will explore the topic of energy flexibility. Join industry leaders for an electrifying symposium on grid solutions, prosumer empowerment, and market strategies. Get a glimpse into the European legislation and engage in a dynamic panel discussion moderated by Prof. dr. ir. Geert Deconinck. Don’t miss out on this timely matter key for the current and future energy sector!
Date and Time
- Date: 25 Apr 2024
- Time: 06:00 PM to 09:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Brussels
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- Kasteelpark Arenberg 10
- Leuven, Unknown
- Belgium 3000
- Building: ESAT
- Room Number: ESAT Aula C - B91.300
- Click here for Map
- Starts 01 March 2024 07:00 PM
- Ends 25 April 2024 10:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Brussels
- No Admission Charge
- Menu: I am an IEEE member, I am NOT an IEEE member
Axel Meeuwissen
Grid Flexibility Solutions: Navigating Congestion Issues
Axel Meeuwissen is a network strategist at Enexis, a distribution system operator (DSO) that develops and manages energy networks in the Netherlands. His team’s work focusses on the development of flexibility in network congestion management, a contemporary issue due to the increasing scarcity of network capacity. Axel holds a MSc in Applied Physics from the Delft University of Technology and has gained experience in the energy sector by exploring several professional roles in his career. In his talk, he will discuss the current challenges in identifying and utilizing flexibility in existing energy networks.
18:00 - 18:30 Reception in Aula R ESAT
18:30 - 18:40 Introduction from the IEEE Student Branch Leuven
18:40 - 19:00 First talk: "Grid Flexibility Solutions: Navigating Congestion Issues" (Enexis, NL)
19:00 - 19:20 Second talk: "Empowering Prosumer Flexibility Through the Aggregators" (Centrica, BE)
19:20 – 20:05 Dinner in ESAT’s cafeteria (Pizzas)
20:05 - 20:25 Third talk: "Market-Driven Flexibility Strategies" (N-SIDE, BE)
20:25 - 20:45 Fourth talk: "Efficient Use of Energy Flexibility in the System" (CREG, BE)
20:45 - 21:05 Fifth talk: "European Perspective on Regulation for Energy Flexibility" (European Commission, BE)
21:05 – 21:25 Panel session moderated by Prof. dr. ir. Geert Deconinck
21:25 - 21:30 Wrap up & conclusion