Clean Energy Transition toward Power Converter-Dominated Power Systems

#Clean #Energy #Transition #conference #smart #grids #digitization #renewable #energy #systems #WIE

Lecture Series on Enabling Technologies for the Clean Energy Transition

Faced with climate change, the Clean Energy Transition (CET) is not just an option, it's an imperative.

The CET relies on technologies such as renewables, energy efficiency, and electrification, with emerging contributions from hydrogen and carbon capture. These areas have seen significant advances due to matured energy processing systems, including power electronics, energy storage and power-to-X transformation technologies, among others, and digital systems comprising IoT, smart-metering, communications, computational intelligence and cloud computing, among others, complemented by progress in materials and manufacturing.

In this Lecture Series, we will explore the pioneering technologies that will transform our carbon-dependent society to a carbon-neutral one. We will advance in understanding energy efficiency, renewable energy, electrification, digitalization, and beyond. Together, we will navigate the challenging landscape of the future of energy - digitalized, decentralized, and decarbonized.

Join us on this journey towards energy transition, catalyzing a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable future.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 20 Feb 2024
  • Time: 02:00 PM UTC to 04:00 PM UTC
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  • 7, Ënnert den Héichiewen
  • Université du Luxembourg (Belval Campus)
  • Esch-Belval, Luxembourg
  • Luxembourg L-4362
  • Click here for Map

  • Contact Event Host
  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

    41 rue du Brill; L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg

    This lecture will be conducted as a hybrid event, with both in-person and online participation.

    Venue: University of Luxembourg. Belval Campus. Ellipse room at the Learning Center

    You will receive a link to register in the LIST's online room after registering on the IEEE site. Thank you for your patience.

  • Co-sponsored by Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR - RESCOM programme - ENERTRANS project) and locally organized by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
  • Starts 09 February 2024 07:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 19 February 2024 10:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Prof. Sibylle Dieckerhoff Prof. Sibylle Dieckerhoff of Technical University of Berlin, Germany


Clean Energy Transition toward Power Converter Dominated Power Systems


The contribution of renewable energy resources to the overall energy generation changes the power systems. With the increasing share of renewable based power generation, the electric grids transition from centralized to distributed generation, with a rapidly increasing number of power electronic components. Power electronics is a key enabling technology to transform and control electric energy with high efficiency. Wind and solar generators or battery storage systems need a converter as a power electronic interface to the grid. HVDC transmission systems in the Gigawatt range require power electronic converters to connect to the existing high voltage AC systems. All these generators and power electronic components have small time constants but flexible as well as fast control properties. In future “power electronics only” grids, the interaction of generators and stability in all operation points, in particular during faults, is expected to be a major issue. The lecture wants to give an overview on power electronic components in electric grids, presents grid converter control approaches and discusses converter models for stability investigations.


Personal Statement

Energy savings, renewable energies and the electrification of all energy sectors are the pathways to mitigate climate change. Power electronics is a key enabling technology, and I am happy to contribute with the research activities of our group and the education of students in two related fields: Wide Bandgap power semiconductors for efficient converter technologies, and research on the integration of renewables and converter control in power electronics dominated electric grids. Therefore, I look forward to give a lecture on “Clean Energy Transition toward Power Converter Dominated Power Systems” in the framework of the lecture series on Enabling Technologies for Clean Energy Transition.

Personal details:

I received the Diploma and the Dr.-Ing. degrees in Electrical Engineering (with honours) from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 1997 and 2004, respectively. In the course of the PhD work, I have been a Research Associate with the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, RWTH Aachen, and Daimler-Chrysler Research and Technology, Berlin, Germany. In 2003, I joined Siemens AG, Krefeld, Germany, as Development Engineer, followed by positions as Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) and as Professor at the BHT University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Since 2010, I have been Professor of Power Electronics with TU Berlin.

Key outputs, contributions, and achievements:

For more than 10 years now I have contributed to the advancements of GaN-based power electronics in a joint lab cooperation with the Ferdinand Braun Institute in Berlin. In consequence, I achieved to get a DFG priority program granted, where I am currently the coordinator. Within this program, in a joint effort 20 PIs from German universities and research institutes work on research projects on new GaN-based devices and converter technologies.

At the TU Berlin, I was involved in the study organization and the development of the curricula from the very beginning, and I was Dean of Studies from 2017 to 2021.

Concerning activities outside the university, I was a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2017 to 2019, and I served as the Vice-Chairperson of the German ETG/VDE Steering Committee from 2013 to 2016. I am also active in the European Power Electronics and Drives Association (EPE), being a member of the International Scientific Committee and the Executive Council.


Address:Leistungselektronik Einsteinufer 19 , , Berlin , Germany, 10587



  • Power electronic components in the electric power system:
    - Converters and their application fields in the electric grid
    - Efficiency demands and wide bandgap power semiconductor perspectives
    - Filters

  • Control demands, grid following versus grid forming control of power converters

  • Power converter models for grid stability investigations

  • Grid faults and providing inertia in power converter-dominated systems

Join us both in-person at Luxembourg and online on Feb 20th, 2024 from 15.00pm to 17.00pm (CET)