MOVE Tech Talk - Feb 2024 - First MOVE MODULAR Application in Puerto Rico: Experiences, Steps, and Future Work
Loderay Bracero and Jennifer Castillo will discuss the Modular kits application in Puerto Rico with the IEEE MOVE International Program. Puerto Rico is the first MOVE location to use the modular kits in a disaster response & recovery operation with the Red Cross. You will hear how it started, the steps taken, and the phases followed to create, modify, and apply the Modular Kits design in Puerto Rico. Join us to discuss the MOVE Modular kit design, lessons learned, and how to replicate this approach in other IEEE MOVE locations.
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Feb 2024
- Time: 01:00 AM UTC to 02:30 AM UTC
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- Co-sponsored by IEEE-USA MOVE Program
Loderay Bracero Marrero
Loderay has served as the MOVE Puerto Rico chair since 2022 and volunteer for the Red Cross Puerto Rico chapter. IEEE Region 9 Move Coordinator 2024-2025.
Member of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society for seven years.
Geospatial data manager of the Caribbean Climate Hub, USDA. Ph.D. in the Environmental Sciences Department at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. Previously worked as a GIS Analyst and archaeology technician.
Master of Science in GIS at the University of Redlands, California, where she developed a predictive model to evaluate archaeological sensitivity.
Jenifer Castillo Rodríguez
Jenifer is the IEEE Region 9 Director 2024 & 2025 and is a Sales and Account Manager at Lufthansa Technik. Mechatronics Engineer graduated from San Buenaventura University in Bogota, Colombia. MBA – International Enterprises from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.
IEEE Senior member, being part of IEEE as a member and volunteer for 20 years. IEEE R9 Director 2024-2025, IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee Chair 2021-2022, IEEE Industry Engagement Committee member 2021-2022, IEEE Puerto Rico and Caribbean (PR&C) Section Past-Chair.
Co-leader of Proyecto Brillo in response to Hurricane Maria and Leader of MOVE Puerto Rico 2020-2021 in other humanitarian efforts.
Recognized with the IEEE MGA Achievement Award 2020 “For sustained and outstanding achievements in promoting Students, YP, and WIE membership development in Latin America and the Caribbean” and the Oscar C. Fernández, IEEE Region 9 recognition to the outstanding volunteer in Latin America.