Hybrid solar cells: An overview of their main characteristics, state of the art and applications

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IEEE EDS - Second Mexico Technical Meeting 2024 (MTM_2-2024)

Mexico Chapter and CINVESTAV-IPN Student Branch Chapter

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute

At present, the performance of organic solar cells (OSCs) based on a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structure has been remarkably improved, with their efficiency having increased from around 3% to more than 17%. This presentation starts with a brief introduction on most common sources of electrical generation, indicating their position with respect to contamination aspects. Afterwards, we focus on solar cells, and more specifically on organic solar cells, putting emphasis in their distinct properties, operating principle, advantages, and main problems. Important parameters for evaluating energy sources are mentioned, to compare OSC with other energy sources. Special attention is paid to their degradation problems, which represent one of the main obstacles to overcome for their commercial application. We discuss some strategies to improve device lifetime, including the selection of different materials as transport and buffer layers. Finally, we discuss aspects of their manufacturing process, as well as recent important applications that have been developed, which suggest that a promising future for this technology is becoming nearer.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 20 Feb 2024
  • Time: 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-06:00) Guadalajara
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  • Av Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, San Pedro Zacatenco, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México, CDMX
  • Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal
  • Mexico 07360
  • Building: Sección de Electrónica del Estado Solido Aula: bunker

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Ing. Abril Garcia ; abril.garcia.soriano@cinvestav.mx;

    M.C. Luz Margarita Balcazar Villatoro; luz.balcazar@cinvestav.mx

    M.C. Jose Josue Rodriguez Pizano; josue.rodriguez@cinvestav.mx

    Dr. Angel Sacramento Orduño; asacramentoo@cinvestav.mx

  • Co-sponsored by Section of Solid-State Electronics (SEES), CINVESTAV-IPN.
  • Starts 16 February 2024 01:00 PM
  • Ends 20 February 2024 08:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-06:00) Guadalajara
  • No Admission Charge


PhD. Magali Estrada PhD. Magali Estrada of Seccion de Electronica del Estado Solido- Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN


Hybrid solar cells: An overview of their main characteristics, state of the art and applications

At present, the performance of organic solar cells (OSCs) based on a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structure has been remarkably improved, with their efficiency having increased from around 3% to more than 17%. This presentation starts with a brief introduction on most common sources of electrical generation, indicating their position with respect to contamination aspects. Afterwards, we focus on solar cells, and more specifically on organic solar cells, putting emphasis in their distinct properties, operating principle, advantages, and main problems. Important parameters for evaluating energy sources are mentioned, to compare OSC with other energy sources. Special attention is paid to their degradation problems, which represent one of the main obstacles to overcome for their commercial application. We discuss some strategies to improve device lifetime, including the selection of different materials as transport and buffer layers. Finally, we discuss aspects of their manufacturing process, as well as recent important applications that have been developed, which suggest that a promising future for this technology is becoming nearer.


La Dra. Magali Estrada del Cueto es Graduada de Mastría en Ciencias, en la Universidad Estatal de Moscú en 1966 y Ph.D. del Instituto Noroccidental de Leningrado en 1977. Desde 1966 trabaja en la rama de dispositivos semiconductores, Fabricación, caracterización modelación y simulación. Actualmente trabaja en semiconductores de dos dimensiones (2D) para FETs y en celdas solares híbridas. Miembro del Electron Divice Semiconductor desde 1997, organizando el primer capítulo del EDS en México. Fue jefe de Capítulos de la Región 9 hasta 2012. Actualmente, “Life Member” y “Distinguished Lecturer” del EDS/IEEE.


Address:Av Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, San Pedro Zacatenco, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México, CDMX, , Ciudad de México, Mexico, 07360


Schedule           Monday  22th—CINVESTAV-IPN CDMX, Mexico                             Speaker

16:00 - 16:10      Presentation of PhD. Magali Estrada del Cueto                      M.C. Jose Josue Rodriguez Pizano                      

16:10 - 18:00    Hybrid solar cells: An overview of their                               PhD. Magali Estrada del Cueto 

                        main characteristics, state of the art and applications   

MTM_2-2024 is an IEEE-EDS sponsored technichal meeting. Co-sponsored by the Section of Solid-Sate Electronics at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute.