#IEEEPESMSIT #ProjectEngineering #FutureLeadership #webinar


The IEEE PES MSIT chapter had the privilege of hosting Mr. Joyendra Roy Biswas, an esteemed speaker and an alumnus of MSIT, who shared his experiences and insights with an enthusiastic audience of over 65 participants which included 20+ IEEE members and 45+ Non-IEEE members. Organized under the guidance of IEEE PES MSIT, the event featured an engaging presentation by Mr. Biswas. It commenced with a warm introduction by Ms. Ifra Siddiqua, the General Secretary of IEEE PES MSIT, who highlighted Mr. Biswas's achievements as an active Machine Learning enthusiast and a winner of several hackathons.

Throughout the session, Mr. Biswas skillfully captivated the audience and imparted invaluable insights and knowledge, enriching the learning experience for all participants. He shared notable achievements, including his team's participation in the Smart India Hackathon (SIH), where they were the first team to qualify from MSIT, showcasing their innovative problem-solving skills. Mr. Biswas discussed the challenges faced during such events and elaborated on how overcoming these hurdles was crucial in his journey. Additionally, he showcased a project pivotal to his acceptance to Penn University, offering valuable insights into the type of work that can open doors to prestigious institutions.

A portion of the lecture was dedicated to discussing cultural differences between the academic environments in the country and the United States, with Mr. Biswas sharing his experiences and shedding light on the nuances and adjustments required when transitioning between the two.

The interactive nature of the session allowed students to pose questions, seeking advice on overcoming challenges, understanding nuances of placements and internships, and gaining insights into Mr. Biswas's journey. His responses provided valuable guidance, encouraging students to explore opportunities beyond the conventional academic path.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks and a greeting card presented by Ms. Jigyasa Kaur, the Chairperson of IEEE PES MSIT, expressing gratitude to Mr. Biswas for his time, insights, and inspirational journey. The interactive lecture was deemed a great success, attended by all members of IEEE PES MSIT Student Chapter, several IEEE MSIT Execom members, and MSIT students. Dr. Jyoti Jain, the Chapter Advisor for IEEE PES MSIT, was also present during the event.



Chapter Advisor - Dr. Jyoti Jain
Chairperson -
Jigyasa Kaur Chawla
Vice-Chairperson - Priyanshu Prasad
General Secretary - Ifra Siddiqua
Treasurer - 
Subrat Priya Ranjan
PR Representative - Pranav Sood


  Date and Time




  • Date: 21 Feb 2024
  • Time: 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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  • Starts 18 February 2024 10:00 AM
  • Ends 21 February 2024 04:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
  • No Admission Charge


Joyendra Roy Biswas



The event featured an engaging presentation by Mr. Joyendra Roy Biswas, an esteemed speaker and distinguished alumnus of MSIT. Participants had the opportunity to delve into Mr. Biswas's journey and expertise in technology and academia, gaining insights into his experiences and notable achievements. The evening provided inspiration, guidance, and networking opportunities for all attendees, offering a valuable platform for sharing knowledge and connecting with like-minded individuals.


He is an IoT enthusiast with a keen interest in research and development, currently pursuing his Masters in Electrical Engineering from University of Pennsylvania. It gives him immense satisfaction when he is able to come up with an implementable solution for a problem we see existent around us. He is skilled in a variety of programming languages from C, C++, Java to Python, JavaScript and NodeJS. He also has experience with a lot of development boards and embedded systems. His core interests lie in Machine Learning for embedded systems and optimalization of hardware and software for machine learning. He has won numerous hackathons wherein they had to not only develop a project under 24 hours but also pitch it up in a way that could draw them a prize. His hobbies include debating and photography. He has also gained professional experience by working in globally reputed companies as an intern or a full time employee. Mr. Biswas is always up for a challenge and ready to tackle it in a technocrat manner.


Date: 21 February 2024

Time: 8:00-9:00 PM IST

Location: Google Meet




1. Opening Remarks

   - Welcome Address by Ms. Ifra Siddiqua, General Secretary of IEEE PES MSIT


2. Introduction of Mr. Joyendra Roy Biswas

   - Brief Bio and Achievements

   - Significance of Mr. Biswas's Talk to the Audience


3. Presentation by Mr. Joyendra Roy Biswas

   - Overview of Mr. Biswas's Journey and Experiences

   - Sharing Notable Achievements and Projects


4. Insights on Cultural Differences

   - Mr. Biswas's Perspective on Academic Environments in India vs. the United States

   - Insights into Navigating Cultural Transitions in Education and Work


5. Interactive Session

   - Audience Q&A: Opportunity for Participants to Ask Questions and Seek Guidance

   - Discussion on Challenges and Opportunities in Technology and Academia


6. Closing Segment

   - Vote of Thanks by Ms. Jigyasa Kaur, Chairperson of IEEE PES MSIT

   - Presentation of Token of Appreciation to Mr. Joyendra Roy Biswas


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