IEEE Xplore Digital Library: Delivering Research Better Than Ever
Greetings from Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru!!!
Department of E&CEin association with SVCE Library and Information centre is organizing 1-day workshop on
"IEEE Xplore Digital Library: Delivering Research Better Than Ever".
The session is aimed towards helping the technical end user community in all phases of their workflow and increase utilization of the content. Following are important highlights of the session:
- Discovering new project/research ideas in the areas of IoT, Cyber Security, Quantum Computing, Embedded Systems
- Tracking the technology trends in the above areas
- Time saving features while you focus on your reach
- Organising your articles of interest via various research projects
- Discover how IEEE Xplore can help you in career progression, and help find new collaborators for research
- Tips for authoring papers to IEEE
And much more!
Date and Time
- Date: 26 Feb 2024
- Time: 04:00 AM UTC to 10:30 AM UTC
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