General Body Meeting



The General Body Meeting of IEEE JUITSB was convened on February 27th, 2024, with the primary focus on enhancing the involvement of first-year students and planning upcoming technical sessions and events.

Involvement of First-Year Students:
Recognizing the importance of engaging first-year students, members discussed strategies to involve them more actively in IEEE JUITSB activities. Ideas such as mentorship programs, orientation sessions, and dedicated workshops tailored to their interests and skill levels were proposed to foster a sense of belonging and encourage participation.

Planning for Upcoming AI/ML Session:
A discussion ensued regarding the planning of an upcoming session on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Members shared ideas for potential speakers, topics, and formats to ensure the session is informative and engaging for attendees. The importance of hands-on demonstrations and practical applications of AI/ML concepts was emphasized to enhance learning outcomes.

Planning for Upcoming Cybersecurity Session:
Plans for an upcoming session on cybersecurity were also deliberated upon. Members discussed the significance of cybersecurity awareness in today's digital age and explored topics such as data privacy, ethical hacking, and network security. Suggestions were made to invite industry experts and practitioners to share insights and best practices in the field.

Planning for Code Rumble Competition:
The planning for the Code Rumble competition was another key agenda item. Members discussed the format, rules, and theme for the competition, aiming to create a challenging yet inclusive environment for participants to showcase their coding skills. Strategies for promoting the event and attracting participation from both within and outside the IEEE community were also discussed.

Any Other Business:
During this segment, members had the opportunity to raise any additional matters or suggestions for consideration. Topics such as fundraising initiatives, collaboration opportunities with other student organizations, and ongoing projects were briefly discussed, with action items assigned for follow-up.

The General Body Meeting of IEEE JUITSB concluded with a clear roadmap for engaging first-year students and planning upcoming technical sessions and events. The commitment and enthusiasm of members towards fostering a vibrant and inclusive IEEE community were evident, setting the stage for successful implementation of the proposed initiatives.

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 27 Feb 2024 05:30 PM
  • End time: 31 Mar 2024 07:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Jaypee University Of Information Technology
  • Solan, Himachal Pradesh
  • India 173234
  • Room Number: LT-1
  • Click here for Map

  • Contact Event Hosts


1. Involvement of First-Year Students
2. Planning for Upcoming AI/ML Session
3. Planning for Upcoming Cybersecurity Session
4. Planning for Code Rumble Competition
5. Any Other Business