Postquantum Cryptography algorithm for Connected Vehicle
Postquantum Cryptography algorithm for Connected Vehicle
Date and Time
- Date: 09 Apr 2024
- Time: 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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- Starts 06 April 2024 02:48 AM
- Ends 09 April 2024 03:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
Jun (Steed) Huang of Carleton University
Postquantum Cryptography algorithm for Connected Vehicle application
The imminent commercialization of quantum computing technologies poses significant risks to classical encryption algorithms. In response, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is spearheading efforts to standardize robust Postquantum Cryptography (PQC) algorithms. This study focuses on the Multivariate Polynomial Public Key Digital Signature Trefoil Knot (MPPK/DSTK) algorithm, a notable advancement refactored from recent PQC developments, distinguished by its integration of true random numbers generated by quantum computers. To evaluate its integrity and robustness against deep learning-based brute force attacks, we introduced semi-covariance correlation analysis — a novel assessment method in this context — to explore the algorithm’s resilience by potentially narrowing the search space. Our analysis reveals that MPPK/DSTK exhibits superior performance, with lower semi-covariance and enhanced robustness compared to the traditional Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) public-key cryptosystem, especially with selected twin seed primes. We have made our developments accessible on GitHub, inviting the research community to engage in further comparative studies and collaborative enhancements. This study underscores the MPPK/DSTK algorithm’s potential as a formidable contender in the evolution of cryptography, offering a significant leap forward in securing digital communications against the quantum computing threat. Both public and private key size are minimized to cater the connected and autonomous vehicle applications, the computation cost is also minimized for Internet of Things usage as well.
Prof. Jun Steed Huang, got his PhD, in 1993, supervised by Prof. Jeremiah F. Hayes, under Canadian International Development Agency program, from Southeast University and Concordia University. He worked at Lockheed Martin USA, Bell Canada, Alcatel France, Microsemi Medical, Jiangsu University, Southern University of Science and Technology. He was Chief Scientist for Alphaba bus, worked on Trust Connected and Autonomous Vehicles program, now teaches Blackberry and Ericsson courses at Carleton University.
06:00 pm - Introductions, chapter business update, social interactions (you can arrive earlier if you like)
06:05 pm - Actual Talk
06:50 pm - Q&A, open discussion
07:00 pm - Formal thanks and event end
An IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section event. All are welcome. Consider becoming an IEEE member if such similar events are of professional/academic interest to you/ All follow ups may be sent to Sharan Kalwani
Postquantum Cryptography Algorithm FLYER | Postquantum Cryptography Algorithm for Connected Vehicle FLYER | 335.83 KiB |