360 Mentoring - Organic Fertilizer for your Engineering Journey to Grow and Flourish. Talk at Stevens institute of Technology Co-Sponsored by Employment network and WIE.

#wie #professional

Abstract for 360 Mentoring talk:

Plants appear to grow effortlessly all around us except in Deserts and Rocks. But, when you try to grow them, you face a lot of challenges, even to maintain established trees. I bought my house with 17 productive fruit trees, none left now.  Who attends to them in the forest? Animals, birds, insects and even “other plants” help the forest thrive.

Growing and maintaining Careers is the same thing. Just getting a degree, landing a job, and executing assignments does not guarantee a successful career. A lot of nurturing goes into it. Many who have become successful will often give credit to their mentors for many of their accomplishments.

This presentation will attempt to offer an insight into finding and making the most of mentors throughout your Engineering Journey.


1.    Engineering Journey

2.    Plants Vs Mentoring

3.    Influencers of your Journey – Sponsors Vs Mentors, Who are Influencers ?

4.    Mentoring 360 Concept

5.    Challenges faced by College Students

6.    Different types of Mentors for Students

7.    Rules of the Game for Student Mentees

8.    Summer Internship Basics

9.    Making the most of Internships

10.360 Mentoring Summary and Conclusion

  Date and Time




  • Date: 11 Apr 2024
  • Time: 06:30 PM UTC to 07:30 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Hoboken, New Jersey
  • United States
  • Building: Gateway South 122

  • Contact Event Host
  • Co-sponsored by Anisha Apte
  • Starts 09 April 2024 08:00 PM UTC
  • Ends 11 April 2024 06:00 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge




360 Mentoring


Chitra Venkatraman is a retired Electrical Engineer. She has a BE-Electrical (Chennai, India) and  MSEE(USA). She started her engineering career in 1981 at Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies/Alcatel-Lucent/Nokia) where she led the Wireless Technology testing until 2018. In her current role as the Chair of the pre-university (K-12), Employment Network and  Women in Engineering chapters of Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), she is passionate about promoting Engineering as a career for K-12 students and offering career management tips to college students and young professionals. She is a STEM volunteer at the local Science Museum and at an organization that serves underserved student groups. Chitra is also an active member   of American Red Cross – NJ Region that provides assistance to NJ families impacted by Natural disasters and home fires.


Address:Chitra Venkatraman is a retired Electrical Engineer. She has a BE-Electrical (Chennai, India) and MSEE(USA). She started her en, , Morristown, United States, 07960