Applied Superconductivity in Italy 2024

#Superconductivity #cables #superconducting #materials #coated #conductors #Iron-based #superconductors #resonant #cavities #rf #superconductivity

The project leaders (or their delegates) for activities taking place in Italy in the broad field of applied superconductivity are invited to present the project to the IEEE–Council of Superconductivity.
Presentations of projects led by young researchers are especially welcome.
Significant outreach, editorial, conference organisation activities etc, and involvement will be presented as well.
Please send your proposal for a presentation as soon as possible (no later than May 20th, 2024) to

  Date and Time




  • Date: 28 May 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Rome
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
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  • University Roma Tre, Dept. Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering
  • Via Vito Volterra 62
  • Rome, Lazio
  • Italy 00146
  • Room Number: Sala multimediale

  • Contact Event Host
  • Enrico Silva, CSC Italy chapter chair


10:00 Arrival, meet together, welcome coffee

10:20 Enrico Silva, IEEE-CSC Italy Chapter Chair: Welcome 

Large scale, Infrastructures – Chaipersons Antonio Morandi, Enrico Silva

10:30 Giuliano Angeli, RSE SpA (remote): Applied Superconductivity Projects and Activities in RSE

10:50 Antonio Morandi, Università di Bologna: Grid integration results of superconducting power cables

11:10 Matteo Tropeano and Gianni Grasso, ASG: ASG Superconductors: an overview on latest activities and projects

11:30 Lorenzo Cavallucci, Università di Bologna: Electrodynamic Modelling of Superconducting Magnets for Fusion Applications

11:45 Gabriele Colombo, Università di Bologna: Fiber-Optics Quench Detection Schemes for HTS Cables for Fusion Magnets 

11:55 Babak Taheri, ENEA: Frascati Coil Cold Test Facility (FCCTF)

12:05 Antonio Esposito, Università di Napoli “Federico II”: An advanced instrumentation lab for superconducting cables and magnets within the IRIS framework

12:20 Daniele Torsello, Politecnico di Torino (recorded): SUPERNEON - Study of high-temperature SUPERconductors NEutron radiation damage for compact fusiON reactors

12:25 Lunch break

Superconducting Quantum Technologies – Chaipersons Luigi Muzzi, Enrico Silva

13:45 Giampiero Pepe, Università di Napoli (remote): The UniNA Quantum Eco-System

Materials and RF – Chaipersons Luigi Muzzi, Enrico Silva

14:05 Alessandro Leveratto, CNR-SPIN Genova: High Temperature Superconductors: Progress on Thallium-1223 films.

14:20 Andrea Malagoli, CNR-SPIN Genova: HTS superconductors at CNR-SPIN realized through Powder In Tube technique for high field applications.

14:40 Andrea Masi, ENEA: Iron Based Superconducting wires via Powder in Tube methods: the ORION project 

14:55 Gaia Grimaldi, CNR-SPIN Salerno: QUESTIONs - QUench mechanisms STudy In supercONductors for Safe energy and energy Saving

15:10 Dorothea Fonnesu, INFN-LNL: Nb3Sn on Cu SRF cavities for next generation accelerators

15:25 Nicola Pompeo, Università Roma Tre and INFN: Iron-based Superconducting Electrodeposited Films at Microwaves for the Detection of Axions

15:40 Laura Piperno, Università Roma Tre and ENEA: Development of Chemical Methods for Iron-based Coated Conductors 

15:50 Short break

15:55 Chapter Matter

16:10 Closing

16:15 Farewell coffee


Possible further changes in the agenda will be communicated on-site.


All speakers are invited.

Organisers: Andrea Alimenti, Alessandro Magalotti, Nicola Pompeo, Enrico Silva, Kostiantyn Torokhtii, Pablo Vidal García