#microwave #antennas #measurement #circuits

Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to meet with colleagues working in the field, establish, renew, or deepen personal or professional contacts. We look forward to meeting you and cordially invite you to the seminar with an accompanying exhibition of products from companies operating in the field of high-frequency and microwave technology.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 29 May 2024
  • Time: 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Prague
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Novotneho lavka
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Czech Republic
  • Building: 5

  • Contact Event Host


Introductory Lecture

The introductory lecture addresses quantum theory, which has been with us for many years, with its origins tracing back to the early 20th century. Without quantum theory, we would not be able to describe the functioning of semiconductor components, utilize nuclear energy, or construct lasers. Current quantum technologies are based on the technological mastery of working with individual objects of the quantum world – elementary particles, atoms, and tangible objects. These technologies truly represent an open door to the future of technology with the potential to bring about a fundamental paradigmatic change. Sensors utilizing quantum effects will significantly refine measurements, quantum cryptography, and communication will elevate data processing to a qualitatively higher level, and the impact of quantum computing on mathematics, computer science, and practically all aspects of science and society cannot be overstated.

High-Temperature Plasma

High-temperature plasma is a fully ionized gas with temperatures ranging from tens to hundreds of millions of degrees. It is primarily studied in scientific research facilities for the purpose of preparing controlled thermonuclear fusion. Microwaves can be used for contactless measurement of parameters such as plasma temperature or density. This includes both passive measurements – radiometry, and active methods – interferometry and reflectometry. The lecture will cover the principles of measuring plasma temperature and density using microwave devices, block diagrams, and details of the microwave equipment used.

Electromagnetic Simulation Tools

Electromagnetic simulation tools offer several models for investigating the effect of surface roughness of lossy conductors, but their reliable use remains a challenging task. Unlike the traditional approach, where the metal surface model is based on estimating conductivity and measuring mechanical surface properties, the lecture will describe the direct extraction of surface impedance from measured S-parameters of a suitable and well-defined test sample. The entire process will be presented with an emphasis on the reliability and robustness of the process.

Timepix Pixel Detectors

Timepix pixel detectors developed at CERN have proven to be a highly beneficial tool for studying particle physics. One of the goals of the facility is to bring these detectors into space. The lecture will describe these detectors and will guide through the development of devices for reading and processing data from the detectors, including pitfalls and challenges.

Radio Frequency and Microwave Sensors

Radio frequency and microwave sensors enable non-invasive monitoring of processes in medical, biological, and chemical applications. Determining the optimal frequency band from the perspective of the sample to be examined is often unclear in engineering literature. Knowledge of the molecular structure of matter allows predicting frequency bands where the greatest change in the real or imaginary part of permittivity occurs during biomolecular processes.

Air Traffic Safety

As the intensity of air traffic grows, so do the demands on ensuring its safety. Currently, air traffic control and its safety rely on cooperative equipment on board aircraft, specifically transponders of secondary surveillance radar on board. One of the promising independent systems is based on bistatic primary radars, which are radars with spatially separated receiving and transmitting parts. By fusing several bistatic radars, a multi-bistatic radar system is created. One of its advantages is relatively simple construction, lower cost compared to primary radars, and deployment variability in terms of covered space. The main disadvantage is very complex signal processing. The most challenging task of this processing is data association and subsequent target tracking.

Amateur Radio Broadcasting

The introductory lecture to the discussion evening introduces the hobby known as amateur radio broadcasting. It will cover a wide range of topics - legislation in the Czech Republic, frequency bands, communication methods, antennas, radio stations, propagation, the ionosphere, and solar activity. The possibility of amateur broadcasting using CB, PMR radios, and so-called shared frequencies will also be mentioned.


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