Visit to ESA Estec
On Thursday 20 June, a visit to ESA Estec is planned. As an IEEE Life-member (or a Life-member within a few years) you are welcome to attend.
Estec is the technical centre of the European Space Agency), with project groups involved in technical management of various ESA space activities. ESA has 22 member-states collaborating to realise space projects. With their contributions the work is organised in these 22 member-states, with directions like Scientific Projects (obligatory), Earth-observation, Telecommunication, Manned space activities, technical support to such directions and more. Collaborations with other space agencies take place as well. Extensive information is found on, with
good details about the topics presented.
On 20 June three actual Earth Observation projects and a large antenna and payload test facility are presented.
Registration is mandatory for all participants in the gatehouse upon arrival. Take note, that it takes some time to park the car after registration and walk to the meeting point in the main building.
We look forward to hearing about the recent status of
- the CIMR mission (by Rolv Midhassel),
- the Harmony and Biomass missions (by Björn Romme),
- Antenna Measurements for Space (by Luis Rolo).
A visit to the Hertz test facility and a tour along space related materials on display is considered.
The precise tour is part tbc, depending on actual access, in view of testing or other importance.
In case you plan to attend, you must register for this event
with IEEE by email (
The number of participants is limited to 30. Registrations will be handled in a first come first serve principle.
Specific for Estec, it is necessary to provide your company affiliation, as applicable, and your nationality (a list is required beforehand for an Estec visit).
You should bring your identity document (passport, or driver’s license or ID card, otherwise one cannot access the Estec facility).
Date and Time
- Date: 20 Jun 2024
- Time: 11:30 AM to 05:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Amsterdam
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- Co-sponsored by ESA Estec