IEEE Distinguished Lecture by Anand Sarwate (Rutgers University)
On Tuesday, July 2nd, Prof. Anand Sarwate from Rutgers University give his Distinguished Lecture:
Title: "Learning with Structured Tensor Decompositions”
Abstract: Many measurements or signals are multidimensional, or tensor-valued. Vectorizing tensor data for statistical and machine learning tasks often results in having to fit a very large number of parameters. Using tensor decompositions to model such data can give a flexible and useful modeling framework whose complexity can adapt to the amount of data available. This talk will introduce classical decompositions (CP, Tucker) as well as more recent ones (tensor train, block tensor decomposition, and low separation rank) and show how they can be used to learn scalable representations for tensor-valued data and make predictions from tensor-valued data. Time permitting, we will describe applications in federated learning as well as open problems for future research.
The event will be transmitted via Teams: link
Date and Time
- Date: 02 Jul 2024
- Time: 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
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- Co-sponsored by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Dr. Anand Sarwate
Learning with Structured Tensor Decompositions
Abstract: Many measurements or signals are multidimensional, or tensor-valued. Vectorizing tensor data for statistical and machine learning tasks often results in having to fit a very large number of parameters. Using tensor decompositions to model such data can give a flexible and useful modeling framework whose complexity can adapt to the amount of data available. This talk will introduce classical decompositions (CP, Tucker) as well as more recent ones (tensor train, block tensor decomposition, and low separation rank) and show how they can be used to learn scalable representations for tensor-valued data and make predictions from tensor-valued data. Time permitting, we will describe applications in federated learning as well as open problems for future research.
Note: This talk does not assume the audience has prior familiarity with tensor algebra.
Anand D. Sarwate received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the EECS Department at UC Berkeley. He is currently an Associate Professor at Rutgers and was previously a Research Assistant Professor at TTI Chicago and a postdoc at the ITA Center at UCSD. His research interests include information theory, machine learning, signal processing, optimization, and privacy and security. Dr. Sarwate is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Information Theory Society for 2024--2025 and is on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society.
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