Project Management Workshop

#networking #development

Project Management Workshop
Thursday, September 19, 2024
5:30 PM
$10.00 IEEE Member
$15.00 Non-IEEE Member
Virtual - FREE
Dinner included for In Person Attendees

Please Join us Thursday, September 19, at Upland Brewery in Fountain Square for Dinner and a Project Management Workshop with Dr. Tarek Lahdhiri .  This workshop is intended for engineers, technical leads, project leaders, and functional managers who want to practice the fundamentals of project management or use SAFe@  as an operating system for business agility. These processes help them and their groups accomplish their endeavors, whether at work, at home, or in the community.  Participants will learn basic project management and SAFe@ techniques and most importantly, how to apply them in real life without excessive paperwork or overhead!

  Date and Time




  • Date: 19 Sep 2024
  • Time: 09:30 PM UTC to 01:00 AM UTC
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  • 1201 Prospect St
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • United States 46203
  • Building: Upland FSQ Brewery

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 12 September 2024 04:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 19 September 2024 07:00 PM UTC
  • Admission fee ?



Project Management Workshop

Tarek Lahdhiri

Dr. Lahdhiri received his MS-EE in Communication Systems in 1990 and PhD in Control Systems in 1995. He is currently working for General Motors LLC in Detroit, where he is holding the position of Strategy Leader for Real-Time Control Systems Simulations and Automation within the Global Validation Department.

Dr. Lahdhiri is a Senior IEEE Member, licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Michigan, licensed Project Management Professional (PMP), Black Belt DFSS certified by General Motors LLC, and holder of the Electrical Validation Journeyman and Vehicle Validation Apprentice Certifications issued by General Motors, Detroit, USA.

Dr. Lahdhiri has been involved with several universities, where he held the positions of Research Associate, Adjunct Professor, and Lecturer at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Michigan, and University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan. He taught several classes in many Electrical Engineering disciplines and was involved in many research projects.

IEEE Accomplishments and Activities


Dr. Lahdhiri has been involved and active IEEE member for more than 30 years. He started as a student member in the Central Tennessee Section. Then he moved to Region 4, where he started being active and held the positions of PACE Chair, Southeastern Michigan Section (SEM) and IEEE Student Counselor, University of Windsor (IEEE-SEM Section), and member of the IEEE-USA 1998 GOLD Committee. These assignments gave him a better and broader idea about IEEE activities and he moved to the Region and USA levels. He held the positions of Region 4 Membership Development Chair, member of the IEEE RAB Industry Relations Committee (IRC), IEEE-MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee (N&A), IEEE-USA Employment & Carrier Services Committee (ECS), co-chair of IEEE-USA Career workforce Policy Committee (CWPC), and Vice President of IEEE-USA Career and Member Services/Professional Activities (2018-2019). He is currently the Region 4 PACE Chair and the Region 4 Conference Coordinator.

Dr. Lahdhiri has an advocate in promoting raising the awareness and the need of soft skills for engineers through IEEE-USA PACE, ECS, and CWPC committees. He contributed in the development and deployment of several IEEE-USA packages in following topics: Project Management (PM) for Engineers, Design For Six Sigma (DFSS), Leadership Skills, Resume Development, Job Interview, Career Development, Job Transition. He provided more than 100 free Professional Seminars, Workshops, and webinars across all six regions in the United States.

Dr. Lahdhiri has been promoting many IEEE events through the PACE program: IEEE-USA Annual Meetings, Future Leader Forums, IEEE WIE, K-12 STEM, Government Relations, students SPACs, and Career events.

Dr. Lahdhiri received several awards: 2012 IEEE-Region 4 Jack Sherman Award, 2007 IEEE-USA Citation of Honor award, 2004 IEEE-USA Leadership Achievement Award, 2003 IEEE Southeast Michigan Best Involvement Award, and 2001 IEEE-USA Professional Achievement Award.


I have dedicated my time and effort to enhance IEEE member services.

My activities are member driven and I believe that the only way to growth for our Region 4 is to: 

  • Engage our members and interact with them at the Section/chapter level.
  • Increase the effectiveness of the current product and services and develop new ones that fit our member needs.
  • Timely reaction to the challenges in today’s dynamic workplace.
  • Build stronger relations with industries.
  • Leverage my IEEE, industry, and academic experience to bridge the gap between academia and industry.
  • Promote YP, WIE and Student Activities.
  • Increase collaboration between the different Committees.
  • Establish University and Corporate Liaison positions at the region level.
  • Devote more resources to assist with the continued rejuvenation of all sections within the Region.
  • Implement new initiatives to decrease the declining number of members within the Region.
  • Collaboration with other Regions.
  • Balanced Budget while getting the best service to our members.

I would like to be given the opportunity to leverage my IEEE, professional, and educational experience in better serving our members.


The opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of IEEE.


5:30 PM Gather and Socialize
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Project Management Workshop
8:30 PM Socialize
9:00 PM Dismiss