IEEE General Body Meeting

#IEEE #juit #generalbodymeet #recruitment #domains


  1. Introduction:

      The meeting began with a welcome address by the IEEE Chairperson and Secretary setting the stage for discussing the recruitment process and the significance of domain selection.

  1. Recruitment Drive Update:

      A detailed update on the progress of the recruitment drive was presented, including the number of new members, participation metrics, and the expected timeline for concluding the drive.

      The importance of involving second-year students in both technical and non-technical domains was emphasized, offering them the opportunity to shape IEEE's activities for the academic year.

  1. Domain Selection Overview and Guidance:

      An introduction to the various domains available within IEEE was provided, including:

      Technical Domains: Robotics, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Coding, Web Development, etc.

      Non-Technical Domains: Event Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Content Creation, etc.

      Students were given advice on selecting domains based on their interests and career goals. Domain-specific mentors were introduced to assist students in making an informed decision.

      The IEEE Council Members encouraged students to explore both technical and managerial roles to gain a holistic experience.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 09 Sep 2024
  • Time: 11:30 AM UTC to 01:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Jaypee University Of Information Technology
  • Solan, Himachal Pradesh
  • India 173234
  • Building: Mughals Garden
  • Click here for Map

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