IEEE General Body Meeting
- Introduction:
○ The meeting began with a welcome address by the IEEE Chairperson and Secretary setting the stage for discussing the recruitment process and the significance of domain selection.
- Recruitment Drive Update:
○ A detailed update on the progress of the recruitment drive was presented, including the number of new members, participation metrics, and the expected timeline for concluding the drive.
○ The importance of involving second-year students in both technical and non-technical domains was emphasized, offering them the opportunity to shape IEEE's activities for the academic year.
- Domain Selection Overview and Guidance:
○ An introduction to the various domains available within IEEE was provided, including:
■ Technical Domains: Robotics, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Coding, Web Development, etc.
■ Non-Technical Domains: Event Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Content Creation, etc.
○ Students were given advice on selecting domains based on their interests and career goals. Domain-specific mentors were introduced to assist students in making an informed decision.
○ The IEEE Council Members encouraged students to explore both technical and managerial roles to gain a holistic experience.
Date and Time
- Date: 09 Sep 2024
- Time: 11:30 AM UTC to 01:00 PM UTC
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- India 173234
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