"IEEE Day" 15th Year Anniversary Celebration
IEEE Day 15th Year Anniversary Celebration Virtual Event 2024
Theme: "Empowering Futures Through Collaborative Innovation!"
On behalf of the IEEE Hamilton and Ottawa Sections, we welcome you to this event organized to celebrate IEEE Day. Join us in an exciting virtual journey where we unite our talents and resources to inspire the next generation! Together, we will collaborate across groups, fostering a vibrant network of mentorship that champions students on their career journeys. Let’s unite our strengths, share knowledge, and ignite innovation to shape a brighter tomorrow. Together, we can turn dreams into reality!
Roundtable Participants/Speakers
Nima Javanbakht - Region 7, Ottawa Section, Young Professional Chair (Moderator)
Terry Branch - Region 7, Hamilton Section, Region 7 Life Member Regional Coordinator
Patrick Nkwari - Region 7, Hamilton Section, Chair
Asaf Maruf - Region 7, Hamilton Section, Treasurer
Moha Abbaszadeh - Region 7, Hamilton Section, Affinity Group Chair, WIE
Celia Shahnaz - Region 10, Bangladesh Section, Advisor
John Purvis - Region 5, Central Texas Section, Region 5 Life Member Coordinator
Hajime Imai - Region 10, Tokyo Section, Member - Life Member Committee
Wolfram Lunscher - Region 7, Ottawa Section, LMAG Chair
Ryan Faxigue - Region 5, Central Texas Section, Student Branch Chair-Texas State University
Evan Tanudjaja, Region 7, Hamilton Section, Student Branch Chair - McMaster University
Tanzeel Rehman, Region 7, Hamilton Section, Secretary
Howard Wolfman, Region 4, LMC Past Chair
Date and Time
- Date: 10 Oct 2024
- Time: 06:00 PM to 07:45 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Add Event to Calendar
- Contact Event Hosts
Region 5 John Purvis <john.purvis@ieee.org>
Region 10 Hajime Imai <m2jh1303@nifty.com>
- Starts 04 October 2024 12:00 AM
- Ends 10 October 2024 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
6:00 PM: Introduction by Chair Hamilton Section - Terry Branch (Stand in for Chair)
6:05 PM: Keynote - IEEE Day representative - Ana Laura Gonzalez Rios
6:15 PM: Round of introductions by Moderator - Ottawa Section YP Chair - Nima Javanbakht
6:20 PM: Group Mentoring Session - Moderator starts the discussion; audience can ask questions
7:05 PM: Affinity Groups including WIE, YP, LMAG - Each group member shares brief insights on a key initiative or project of interest.
7:25 PM Student Chapters - A Student Branch member highlights an important initiative or project of interest
7:30 PM: Q&A
7:45 PM Conclusion
Hamilton Section Websites
Hamilton Section : https://hamilton.ieee.ca
Hamilton Section Affinity Group, WIE: http://ewh.ieee.org/r7/hamilton/wie.htm
Hamilton Section Affinity Group, YP: http://ewh.ieee.org/r7/hamilton/gold.htm
Ottawa Section Websites
Ottawa Section: IEEE Ottawa Section
Ottawa Section Affinity Group, YP: IEEE Ottawa YP
Life Member Websites
IEEE Canada Life Member: Life Members
IEEE Life Member: IEEE Life Members