2017 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP)
The TSP 2017 Conference, under patronage of the IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Region 8 - Europe, Middle East and Africa; IEEE Spain Section; IEEE Czechoslovakia Section & SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter; and IEEE Croatia Section Communications Chapter), is organized by sixteen universities from Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Taiwan, Japan, Slovak Republic, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Slovenia, Croatia, and Poland (for full list please see "Organizers"), will be held during July 5-7, 2017, in Barcelona, Spain, and it serves as a premier annual international forum to promote the exchange of the latest advances in telecommunication technology and signal processing. The aim of the conference is to bring together both novice and experienced scientists, developers, and specialists, to meet new colleagues, collect new ideas, and establish new cooperation between research groups from universities, research centers, and private sectors from the whole Europe, America, Asia, Australia, and Africa.
Date and Time
- Start time: 05 Jul 2017 09:00 AM
- End time: 07 Jul 2017 04:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
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Univ.Prof. Dr. Schahram Dustdar of Vienna University of Technology
Cyber-Human Partnerships – Towards a Resilient Ecosystem in Smart Cities
Address:Vienna, Wien, Austria
Prof. Alejandro Frangi of University of Sheffield
Precision Imaging in Cerebrovascular Diagnosis and Interventional Planning
Address:Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
01. Information Systems
02. Network Services
03. Network Technologies
04. Telecommunication Systems
05. Modelling, Simulation and Measurement
06. Analog Signal Processing
07. Audio, Speech and Language Processing
08. Biomedical Signal Processing
09. Digital Signal Processing
10. Image and Video Signal Processing
WS1: 7th SPLab Workshop of Signal Processing Laboratory
WS2: Workshop on Recent Advances in Biometrics and its Applications
SS1: Special Session on Image Processing to Diagnose, Monitor, and Control
SS2: Special Session on Photonic Networks and Services: Theory, Design, Modeling, and Applications