Oscillation Dynamics and Control Strategies in Power Grids
This presentation explores the dynamics of wide-area oscillations in power grids and their impact on grid stability, particularly under high penetration of Inverter-Based Resources (IBR). This is part of ongoing three-year research project, Wide-Area Oscillation Assessment and Trending Analysis, funded by DOE Office of Electricity Advanced Grid Modeling program. Wide-area oscillations carry crucial information about system stability. While well-damped oscillations are often contained, strong oscillations can signal impending stability issues, reducing system performance, increasing equipment wear, and potentially causing generation tripping or grid breakup. Adequate damping of key oscillation modes is essential for reliable grid operation. Conventional analysis has focused on large synchronous generators, but the rising penetration of renewable generation and active loads is driving observable changes in oscillatory behavior. A systematic study reveals that high IBR penetration correlates with lower damping ratios of inter-area modes, while heavier loads correlate with lower oscillation frequencies. Without proper control and coordination, high IBR penetration could exacerbate these oscillations, posing risks to grid stability. To mitigate these risks, we developed and tested control strategies for IBRs to improve oscillation damping. Leveraging our prior experience in grid oscillation research, we focused on designing control algorithms for both grid-forming and grid-following IBRs. Study results show that these control strategies can enhance the stability of power grids with high renewable generation.
Date and Time
- Date: 17 Dec 2024
- Time: 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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- Co-sponsored by CH06148
- Starts 18 October 2024 12:00 AM
- Ends 17 December 2024 12:00 AM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
Ning of Binghamton University
Oscillation Dynamics and Control Strategies for Power Grids with High Penetration of Inverter-Based Resources
This presentation explores the dynamics of wide-area oscillations in power grids and their impact on grid stability, particularly under high penetration of Inverter-Based Resources (IBR). This is part of ongoing three-year research project, Wide-Area Oscillation Assessment and Trending Analysis, funded by DOE Office of Electricity Advanced Grid Modeling program. Wide-area oscillations carry crucial information about system stability. While well-damped oscillations are often contained, strong oscillations can signal impending stability issues, reducing system performance, increasing equipment wear, and potentially causing generation tripping or grid breakup. Adequate damping of key oscillation modes is essential for reliable grid operation. Conventional analysis has focused on large synchronous generators, but the rising penetration of renewable generation and active loads is driving observable changes in oscillatory behavior. A systematic study reveals that high IBR penetration correlates with lower damping ratios of inter-area modes, while heavier loads correlate with lower oscillation frequencies. Without proper control and coordination, high IBR penetration could exacerbate these oscillations, posing risks to grid stability. To mitigate these risks, we developed and tested control strategies for IBRs to improve oscillation damping. Leveraging our prior experience in grid oscillation research, we focused on designing control algorithms for both grid-forming and grid-following IBRs. Study results show that these control strategies can enhance the stability of power grids with high renewable generation.
Dr. Ning Zhou is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at Binghamton University. Before joining Binghamton University, he worked as a power system engineer at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Dr. Zhou has over 20 years of experience in power system engineering and over 17 years of project leadership experience, serving as Principal Investigator (PI), Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI), and Project Manager (PM) in 19 successful projects funded by organizations such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy (DOE), PNNL, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), the California Energy Commission (CEC), the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and Battelle. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed technical papers, which have garnered more than 4,000 citations. Dr. Zhou was the lead author of the IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance (PSDP) Committee Prize Paper Award in 2009, and five of his papers have been selected as Best Conference Papers by the IEEE PES General Meeting. He received the prestigious NSF CAREER Award in 2019 for his work on "Integrated Dynamic State Estimation for Monitoring Power Systems under High Uncertainty and Variation." His research focuses on signal processing, oscillation control, estimation, and modeling of power systems.
Address:Binghamton, United States, 13901
- Introduction
- Presentation by Dr. Ning Zhou