Sunnier than a Sunny Day: Recent Advances in Hyperspectral Image Simulation for Partly Cloudy Scenes

#Clouds #Hyperspectral #Imaging #Simulations

Center for Imaging Science at RIT
Building 76.  Room 1125.  3-4pm

A critical first step in the analysis of hyperspectral or multispectral imagery in the reflective domain (visible to SWIR) is atmospheric correction, or compensation, whereby atmospheric absorption and scattering effects are removed and the data are reduced to surface spectral reflectance. Broken cloud fields pose a problem for many atmospheric compensation and aerosol retrieval algorithms, as these algorithms typically assume uniform illumination, and ground illumination in the vicinity of clouds is inhomogeneous due to photons scattering from clouds into clear sunlit areas. In this work, illumination effects are simulated for a variety of broken cloud fields using the MCScene code, a high-fidelity model for full optical spectrum (UV through LWIR) multispectral image simulation. MCScene provides an accurate, robust, and efficient means to generate spectral scenes for algorithm validation. MCScene utilizes a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo approach for modeling 3D atmospheric radiative transfer, including full treatment of molecular absorption and Rayleigh scattering, aerosol absorption and scattering, and multiple scattering and adjacency effects, as well as scattering from spatially inhomogeneous surfaces. The model includes treatment of land and ocean surfaces, 3D terrain, 3D surface objects, and effects of finite clouds with surface shadowing. We will discuss the effects of broken cloud fields on solar illumination reaching the ground, and the consequence of solar scattered illumination from clouds on retrieved surface reflectance and target detection. 

  Date and Time




  • Date: 01 Mar 2017
  • Time: 08:00 PM UTC to 09:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 54 Lomb Memorial Drive
  • Rochester, New York
  • United States 14623
  • Building: CIS Building 76
  • Room Number: 1125
  • Click here for Map

  • Contact Event Host
  • Rob Sundberg at SSI:


Robert Sundberg Robert Sundberg


Sunnier than a Sunny Day: Recent Advances in Hyperspectral Image Simulation for Partly Cloudy Scenes

Dr. Sundberg is President of Spectral Sciences, Inc. and served as the Vice President of Technology Development and the Group Leader of Detection and Discrimination Group.  His present research activities include the development of hyperspectral scene simulation models, target detection and identification algorithms, rapid real-time IR target imaging models, high temperature optical models for reentry vehicle ablation products, and high resolution line‑by‑line radiation transport models for calculating non-equilibrium infrared vacuum core plume radiation. Dr. Sundberg received his Ph.D. from UCLA in Physical Chemistry where his graduate research included development and application of time‑dependent semiclassical and exact quantum mechanical techniques to study the spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules.


Dr. Sundberg is President of Spectral Sciences, Inc. and served as the Vice President of Technology Development and the Group Leader of Detection and Discrimination Group.  His present research activities include the development of hyperspectral scene simulation models, target detection and identification algorithms, rapid real-time IR target imaging models, high temperature optical models for reentry vehicle ablation products, and high resolution line‑by‑line radiation transport models for calculating non-equilibrium infrared vacuum core plume radiation. Dr. Sundberg received his Ph.D. from UCLA in Physical Chemistry where his graduate research included development and application of time‑dependent semiclassical and exact quantum mechanical techniques to study the spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules.


Address:4 Fourth Avenue, , Burlington, United States, 01803

Robert Sundberg


Sunnier than a Sunny Day: Recent Advances in Hyperspectral Image Simulation for Partly Cloudy Scenes



Address:Burlington, United States