XVI International Conference ETAI 2024

#communications #technologies #activities #conference #electronics #automation

ETAI Society (Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Automatics and Informatics) of the Republic of Macedonia was funded in February 1981 with main purpose to stimulate and coordinate technology trends in engineering fields, to initiate knowledge transfer of new technologies and encourage its practical implementation.The first President of the Society was Prof. Georgi Dimirovski, PhD, who contributed to the Society development inspiring young scientists in their work and efforts to bring science to a practical implementation. The restless work of prof. Dimirovski for the growth and reputation of the ETAI Society continues even today in his ninth decade of life.

The next presidents of the Society, prof. Mile Stankovski, prof. Aleksandar Risteski, and the Steering Board of the Society, are mainly tightly connected to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies and the supporting industry sector. The activities of the Society in this period opened the ETAI scientific conferences,  the main trademark activity of the Society, to the business area and managed to develop successful mutual cooperation between scientists and practitioners, the academia and industry. The ETAI conferences evolved into highly respected international conferences.

Starting from January, 2015, the President of the ETAI Society was Prof. Miroslav Kotevski, PhD, who has additional and highly valued industrial background. Consequently, he managed to change the ETAI conferences approach to more dynamic, industry oriented conferences, supporting and creating better cooperation between scientists, the business domain and the public sector.

The work was continued by the next President prof. Marija Kalendar, steering the Society and the ETAI Conferences through the COVID 19 period, and currently through the new and challenging times of the after Covid 19 world, the business and economic crisis, and the new and exciting developments in the AI technology bringing new challenges for humanity as a whole. 

ETAI conferences started in 1982, a year after the foundation of the ETAI Society, and the last one was held in 2021. The ETAI Conferences are usually held in the ambient of the exceptional natural beauty and cultural heritage of the Ohrid Lake area, protected by the UNESCO. Following their interdisciplinary character, the main goal of the ETAI conferences is to bring together researchers and practitioners to present, discuss and further develop views on the state of the art in both, theoretical and applied aspects in the areas of Electronics, Telecommunications, Automatics and Informatics. The key intention is to create a forum where theoretical and practical experiences can be exchanged, as well as debated in all their details.

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 21 Sep 2024 09:00 AM
  • End time: 23 Sep 2024 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Skopje
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Hotel Drim Struga
  • Struga, Macedonia
  • Macedonia

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Co-sponsored by Society for Electronic Telecommunications, Automatics and Informatics of the Republic of Macedonia
  • Starts 01 August 2024 12:00 AM
  • Ends 30 August 2024 08:57 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Skopje
  • No Admission Charge




IMG_5653 Opening ceremony - prof. Kalendar 195.61 KiB
IMG_5656 Dedicated session - prof. Stankovski 248.48 KiB
IMG_5660 Session - Oscar Mayora 162.61 KiB
IMG_5657 IEEE Session - S. Momyr 283.51 KiB
IMG_5652 IEEE presence 305.87 KiB