Kaiser Chair Energy Security Talk Series Sponsored by IEEE PELS and PES: Building B.C.’s Energy Future

#CleanEnergy #SustainableGrowth #BCHydro #EnergyInfrastructure #PoweringBC #pes #vancouver

Join Chris O’Riley as he shares BC Hydro’s vision for the future and offers insights into the strategic investments driving sustainable energy growth across B.C.

British Columbia is witnessing an unprecedented demand for electricity as our population grows and British Columbians and businesses look to switch to cleaner, renewable sources of power.

Join Chris O’Riley, President and CEO of BC Hydro, B.C.’s largest Crown corporation, as he discusses the steps BC Hydro is taking to increase electricity generation and the significant investments to grow and expand our provincial grid, including a $36 billion 10-Year Capital Plan. Hear about investments BC Hydro is making in community and regional infrastructure to accommodate the demand and deliver on its mandate to provide clean, reliable, and affordable power to communities across B.C.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 16 Nov 2024
  • Time: 12:00 AM UTC to 01:00 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 2332 Main Mall
  • Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Canada V6T 1Z4
  • Building: Kaiser
  • Room Number: KAIS 2020/2030

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Starts 08 November 2024 12:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 16 November 2024 01:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Chris O’Riley of BC Hydro


Chris O’Riley leads BC Hydro, B.C.’s largest Crown corporation and the fourth largest company in the province as ranked by annual revenue. BC Hydro safely provides reliable, affordable, clean electricity to its five million customers. Chris has held positions throughout the organization and across the province during his 34-year career with BC Hydro, leading operations, overseeing capital projects, and managing risk for BC Hydro's trading subsidiary, Powerex. Chris is a Professional Engineer in electrical engineering and a graduate of UBC.