ICALTER 2024 - 3er DIA
The conference has been planned so that participants from academic institutions, researchers, teachers and education professionals take part in the conference and share their experiences on digital transformation in the teaching and learning field. We hope this is a memorable and valuable experience for you, and that you will enjoy discovering the research, insights, practical knowledge, and personal contacts available to you. Many members of the organizing team worked very hard to turn our initial visions for this conference into reality, we would like to warmly thank all organizing committee members for their dedication before and after this unique event. Our final thanks would go to the authors, thanks for your
support to our conference.
We hope that all participants and other interested readers benefit from and enjoy the presentations and proceedings and also find it stimulating in this process. We pursue higher and better international conference, your suggestions and comments are welcome.
Date and Time
- Date: 12 Dec 2024
- Time: 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Lima
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La Universidad Nacional Autónoma Altoandina de Tarma - UNAAT es una universidad pública, integrada por docentes, estudiantes y graduados; se rige y gobierna de acuerdo con la Constitución Política del Perú, la Ley Universitaria N30220.
- Co-sponsored by Universidad Nacional Autónoma Altoandina de Tarma
- Starts 08 December 2024 09:00 AM
- Ends 09 December 2024 06:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Lima
- No Admission Charge
Dr. Anna Pons Vilaseca
“Generative AI in the classroom: From hype to reality”
“Generative AI in the classroom: From hype to reality”
Analista i assessora en polítiques i pràctiques educatives a l’OCDE. Dirigeix els equips de Global Teaching InSights i de la Xarxa Schools+
Lidera els equips Global Teaching InSights i Schools+ Network, dos projectes que tenen com a objectiu reunir professors, líders escolars, investigadors i responsables polítics per accelerar el canvi en l’educació. Anteriorment, va coordinar un estudi de vídeo per entendre millor les pràctiques docents a vuit països diferents mirant vídeos de classe, materials didàctics, enquestes de professors i estudiants i proves d’estudiants. També ha escrit informes sobre la qualitat dels sistemes educatius i ha assessorat els ministeris d’educació d’Europa, Amèrica Llatina i Àsia. Abans d’incorporar-se a l’OCDE l’any 2010, l’Anna va adquirir experiència laboral a la Generalitat i un govern local. És llicenciada en Ciències Econòmiques i Ciències Polítiques per la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, i Màster en Economia i Polítiques Públiques per Sciences Po, ENSAE i École Polytechnique.