Project Management Basics: Professional Development Skills PACE
Add to your project management skills for career growth & development
Workshop Overview
The Introduction to Project Management seminar is intended for engineers, technical leads, project leaders, and functional managers who want to learn the basic fundamentals of project management, in order to help themselves and their groups accomplish their endeavors, whether at work, at home, or in the community. Participants will learn basic project management techniques, and most importantly, how to apply them in real life without excessive paperwork or overhead! The workshop will include templates and checklists to take away, and examples of how to apply project management techniques to engineering, personal projects and some project management personal/human touch tips.
Date and Time
- Date: 26 Aug 2017
- Time: 10:00 AM to 02:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
Add Event to Calendar
- EC 275 Engineering Center
- Oakland University
- Rochester, Michigan
- United States 48309-4479
- Building: Engineering Center
- Room Number: 275
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
-, Phone: +1 (248) 980-UNIX
[NOTE]: There is a nominal fee ($15 IEEE student members, $25 IEEE members, $25 non-IEEE students and $40 for non-IEEE attendees or guests) that is required to help cover cost of printed class notes, refreshments, gourmet coffee & tea, other support logistics, etc. Payable via check or CC, prior to the start of event. Please email to confirm your enrollment!
- Co-sponsored by Women in Engineering (WIE)
- Starts 04 August 2017 12:00 AM
- Ends 22 August 2017 12:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- 0 in-person spaces left!
- No Admission Charge
- Menu: Veggie Delite, Classic Tuna, Turkey Breast
Sharan Kalwani of IEEE
Project Management Skills
Project Management Skills Overview
- Introduction
- Definition of a Project
- Typical Processes and Phases of a project
- Project Integration Management
- Project Scope Management, Requirements - a moving target!
- Risks (will be repeated later)
- Project Time Management: Scheduling and estimating (Bread, Butter OR Heart, Brains of all projects)
- Project Milestones and Cost Management
- Constant ReBaselining of Projects & Plans
- Managing the Project, Communications in an Objective Manner:
- Are we there yet? Are we on track?
- How do we broadcast the same status update ?
- How do we measure progress?
- Risk Management - a necessary part and parcel of modern day project execution
11. Running Meetings (A Soft Skill) aka People Management:
- Planning Meetings
- Playing the roll of a coach
- Meeting Roles and Responsibilities; Conflict Resolution; CYA or Due Diligence techniques
- Project Design/Documentation Reviews
12. Project Quality Aspects
13. Closing the Project, hand-offs to all groups
14. Conduct a lessons-learned meeting (never skip this!)
A seasoned scientifc, technical and computing professional, Sharan has spent over 20+ years implementing many new and pioneering technologies from operating systems (*nix) , high performance computing (Cray, SGI, compute clusters), engineering applications (CAE simulations), optimization, networking (TCP/IP, Infiniband), operations (ITIL, ITSM), scientific domain (BioInformatics) and project management. A successful speaker and author, Sharan looks to increase the professional approach of every individual he interacts with. He enjoys teaching, contributing to STEM activities and publishing. He is a senior member of IEEE, ACM, Emeritus member of Michigan!/usr/group, and leads the SIG-Linux section of SEMCO. He is currently the Chair of the IEEE SE Michigan Education Society Chapter for 2017. Sharan has been delivering projects since 1988 and has worn several hats besides being burned many times on various projects (who else to better learn from?).
Address:Rochester, Michigan, United States, 48306
10:00 AM - Welcome and Introductions, Chapter business update
10:15 AM - Skills Talk: Part 1
11:00 AM - Break
11:15 AM - Skills Talk: Part 2
12:00 Noon - Break & Lunch
12:45 PM - Skills Talk: Part 3 plus Exercises
02:00 to 2:25 PM - Q&A and Formal Conclusion
CEUs (or PDH) are available by prior request. Please indicate this at the time of registration *and* email the sponsors in advance.
A Joint WIE/Oakland University/IEEE Education Society SEM Chapter Presentation