4th Edition of IEEE Region 10 Section Chapter Symposium and Conference Leadership Program’
Major Takeaways:
- Chapters will be able to establish and maintain a communication channel with other Section Chapter coordinators. It will help in promoting and assisting major Chapter events and TCS conferences in R10 sections.
- This program is unique platform for promoting and encouraging inter and intra Section, subsection, chapter collaboration
- Society Chapters get exposure to Best practices of other section society chapters
- Sections get exposure to work closely with Society chapters and discuss collaborative models being undertaken at their home sections
- IEEE Society chapters get an exposure to participate and organize sessions in international programs with other section chapters.
- IEEE Societies may find it interesting and support their constituent chapters across IEEE Region 10
- Sessions for best practices by MGA, Societies, chapters, and student branch chapters.
- Opportunity to attend/get exposure to IEEE Regional Society Chapter meetings - Some IEEE Technical Society chapters and Councils are organizing their Regional Chapter Leaders meeting in conjunction with the Region 10 Section Chapter Symposium and are collocated.
- Opportunity to attend IEEE Conference Leadership Program (CLP) - There is a plan to organize ‘IEEE Region 10 Conference Leadership Program’ to train volunteers from the sections of Region 10 co-located with 2024 IEEE Section chapter symposium. It is expected that the trained volunteers shall be able to organize and guide IEEE conferences efficiently and effectively ensuring the quality as per IEEE standard in their respective sections. IEEE MCE is supporting this session and attendees will be able to meet Volunteers and IEEE Staffs from IEEE Conferences Committee and Leaderships from IEEE Conferences, Experiences and Events (CEE)
Date and Time
- Start time: 03 Dec 2024 09:00 AM
- End time: 04 Dec 2024 05:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+08:00) Singapore
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- Co-sponsored by Marwadi University, Rajkot, IEEE Gujarat Section