MediTec 2016: International Conference on Medical Engineering, Health Informatics and Technology

#Conference #MediTec #EMBS

International Conference on Medical Engineering, Health Informatics and Technology (MediTec 2016) was successfully held at United International University (UIU) during 17-18 December 2016. The conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Bangladesh chapter and IEEE Bangladesh Section. It is really a great initiative taken by the EMBS Bangladesh Chapter to launch such a demanding conference. Unlike most of the conferences in our country where wide range of areas of electrical and computer engineering are covered, MediTec 2016 was able to bring together researchers, engineers, medical practitioners and experts contributing mainly in the area of biomedical engineering and health informatics. The conference was organized by UIU. Conference Chair was Dr. Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun, AIMS Lab, Dept of CSE, UIU, Technical Program Committee Chair was Prof. Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Dept. of EEE, BUET and Organizing Chair was Prof. Dr. Khawza Iftekhar Ahmed, Dept. of EEE, UIU. 

The conference received immense response from the relevant groups. The conference received 103 papers with authors from Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Finland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, USA, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom. IEEE rules and regulations are strictly followed during the review process and finally 40 papers are accepted and registered for presentation. The conference has arranged several Keynote/Invited Talks to be offered by distinguished researchers (both engineers and physicians) from all around the world. In order to maximize the interaction among the participants and exchange of views, engaging two-day single-track program is designed.

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 17 Dec 2016 02:00 PM UTC
  • End time: 19 Dec 2016 04:00 AM UTC
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  • UIU
  • Satmasjid Road
  • Dhaka, Dhaka
  • Bangladesh
  • Building: main campus

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 15 November 2016 06:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 05 December 2016 06:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge