BEE Week 2025 - Celebrating 75 Years of the IEEE I&M Society in Bordeaux

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The Bordeaux Electrical Engineering Student Branch of IEEE (BEE Branch) organizes a special workshop dedicated to our IM Student Branch and the IM Society. It would take place during the "BEE Week" at the University of Bordeaux, Agora Auditorium, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the IM Society.

During the 8th edition of the BEE Week, from 13 to 14 January 2025, distinguished lecturers and renowned speakers will deliver talks to promote each of our student chapters and to inform participants about their specific field of research. The whole afternoon of 13th of January 2025, including evening social event, will be dedicated to the Instrumentation & Measurement Workshop to promote the 75th anniversary of the IM Society.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 13 Jan 2025
  • Time: 01:50 PM to 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+01:00) Paris
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  • Domaine du Haut-Carré
  • 43 rue Pierre Noailles
  • Talence, Aquitaine
  • France 33400
  • Building: Auditorium de l'Agora

  • Contact Event Hosts


Prof. Daniel Watzenig of Graz University of Technology, Austria


Introduction to autonomous vehicles


Daniel Watzenig was born in Austria. He holds a doctorate in electrical engineering and was awarded the venia docendi (adjunct professorship) for electrical measurement science and signal processing from Graz University of Technology, Austria. He is CTO and Head of the Electronics Systems and Software Department at Virtual Vehicle Research Graz. In addition, he was appointed as a Full Professor of Multi-Sensor Perception of Autonomous Systems at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision, Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria.

His research interests focus on sense & control of autonomous vehicles, sensor fusion, reinforcement learning and decision making under uncertainty. He is the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, patents, and articles. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the SAE Int. Journal on Connected and Automated Vehicles (SAE JCAV). Since 2019 he is invited guest lecturer at Stanford University, USA, teaching multi-sensor perception for autonomous systems (Principles of Robot Autonomy). He is the founder of the Autonomous Racing Graz Team. Since 2024 he is Vice Chair and Member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Austria Section. He is IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in the field of autonomous vehicles, Board Member of the INSIDE Industry Association (European Initiative on Intelligent Digital Systems) and Member of the Academic Advisory Council of PAVE (global Partners for Automated Vehicle Education). He has been a consultant and appointed expert for military robotics for the Armaments and Defense Technology Agency of the Austrian Armed Forces since 2019.

Prof. Eros Pasero of Politecnico of Turin, Italy


Medicine 4.0: AI and IOT, the new revolution


Eros G. Pasero is Professor of Electronics at the Politecnico of Turin since 1991 after a four year appointment as Professor at the University of Roma, Electronics Engineering. He was also Visiting Professor at ICSI, UC Berkeley, CA in 1991, Professor of digital electronics and electronic systems at Tongji University, Shanghai, China in 2011, 2015 and 2017, and Professor of digital electronics and electronic systems at TTPU (Turin Tashkent Politechnic University), Tashkent, Uzbekistan since 2012 to 2014 where he was also vice rector in the first period of 2014.

Prof. Pasero established in 1990 the Neuronica Lab where hardware and software neurons and synapses are studied practical applications; innovative wired and wireless sensors are also developed for biomedical, environmental, and automotive applications. Data coming from sensors are post processed by means of artificial neural networks.

Prof. Pasero is now the President of SIREN, the Italian Society for Neural Networks; he was v. General Chairman of IJCNN2000 in Como, General Chairman of SIRWEC2006 in Turin, general Chairman of WIRN2015, WIRN2016 and WIRN2017, WIRN 2018 and WIRN 2019 in Vietri. He holds 6 international patents (two were the first silicon European neurons and synapse together Texas Instruments). He was supervisor of tenths of international Ph.D and hundredths of Master students and he is author of more than 100 international publications.

Together his group he was awarded with the 1982 CILEA-Sperry award for complex application systems and local distributed architecture”, with the ASSIPE Design-In-Award in 2003 and 2004, with premio "Innova S@alute2017" at the “forum dell'innovazione per la salute” on September 2017; he was IEEE key note speaker at 2014 Symposium series on Computational Intelligence in Orlando, Fl, USA; Distinguished Lecturer of the 2016 IEEE Medical Information Summer School, Distinguished Lecturer of the 2017 IEEE school "Smarter Engineering for Industry 4.0"

Prof. Corinne Dejous of ENSEIRB-MATMECA / Bordeaux INP, France


Wave-based chemical or biological microsensors for environmental and health-related applications


Corinne Dejous received the electronics engineer degree from the French “Grande École” ENSEIRB in 1991 (M.S. degree), and the Ph.D. degree in electronics from the University of Bordeaux, France, in 1994.
In 1996, she has been appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Bordeaux, and promoted in 2009 to Full Professor at ENSEIRB-MATMECA / Bordeaux INP, France, where she teaches electronic systems and instrumentation, chemical sensors and microsystems. She has been Director of the department on Embedded Electronic Systems from 2013 to 2018. She leads research at IMS laboratory (CNRS UMR 5218) in acoustic wave (bio)chemical microsensors and more generally wave-based resonant sensors, her research activities also include wireless microdevices. Major fields of applications aim health and environment purposes. She has been the head of the research group Ondes (Waves, formerly Microsystems) from 2011 to 2018. From 2016, she is in charge of the IMS Labs’ transverse topic « Environments ».
She co-authored over 80 publications in international journals or book chapters, 180 communications, she delivered many invited talks, and co-supervised 35 research projects. She has been invited as member of the International Advisory Board and of the Organizing Committee of several conferences, recently DTIP’21 and IEEE WPW 2022. She is also involved in the French Chapter of the IEEE Sensors Council.



1:50-2:00pm - Introduction to the afternoon: 75 years of IM

2:00-2:50pm - "Introduction to autonomous vehicles" by Prof. Daniel WATZENIG (TU Graz, Austria), IMS Distinguished Lecturer

2:50-3:40pm - "Medicine 4.0: AI and IOT, the new revolution" by Prof. Eros PASERO (Polytechnic of Turin, Italy), IMS Distinguished Lecturer

3:40-4:00 - Coffee break

4:00-4:50 - "Wave-based chemical or biological microsensors for environmental and health-related applications" by Prof. Corinne DEJOUS (Bordeaux-INP, France)

4:50-5:00 - Closing presentation