IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 02.20.25 meeting: Potential Effects of Economic Policy in 2025
This is a Zoom-only meeting starting at 6 PM Central Std. Time.
The talk will first present baseline trends for key indicators on the current economy, including budget and financial conditions. It will then discuss potential economic effects of possible policies of the new Trump administration.
Date and Time
- Date: 21 Feb 2025
- Time: 12:00 AM UTC to 01:30 AM UTC
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Lee Price
Potential Effects of Economic Policy in 2025
The talk will first present baseline trends for key indicators on the current economy, including budget and financial conditions. It will then discuss potential economic effects of possible policies of the new Trump administration.
Lee Price is a retired economist. During his 40 years in the Washington, DC area, he served as Chief Economist at the Commerce Department, the economist for six Congressional committees, Research Director for both a think tank and a small foundation and Chief Risk Officer at the FDIC.
Address:Austin , Texas, United States
The Life Members Affinity Group and Austin Consultants Network Affinity Group (CTCN) meets monthly. Except when meeting jointly with other groups, the CTCN meets on the third thursday of each month. Meetings usually begin with informal networking from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m., followed by presentations from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. by experts in topics of interest to IEEE Members. Our meetings are open to the public.
Light refreshments may be available during in person meetings.