LaTeX Workshop

#STEM #udec #concepcion #pes #Latex #workshop

LaTeX, specifically supported by Overleaf, is a powerful and widely used platform for writing and co-authoring academic documents, from lab reports to scientific papers. Unlike traditional word processors, LaTeX allows for precise formatting, effortless handling of complex equations, and seamless integration of large tables, figures, and references. These features make it an essential tool for students, researchers, and professionals in engineering and scientific fields.

In this introductory LaTeX workshop, we aim to provide engineering students with the fundamental knowledge needed to start using LaTeX efficiently. Participants will learn how to structure a document, format mathematical expressions, generate citations and bibliographies, and create professional-quality reports. The workshop will be hands-on, ensuring that attendees gain practical experience using Overleaf, a cloud-based LaTeX editor that simplifies collaboration and document management, also we are handing a pdf document for summarize the content of the workshop and the documentation of the pseudo-coding language LaTeX.

Whether they are new to LaTeX or looking to strengthen their skills, this workshop will equip them with valuable tools to improve the clarity and presentation of their academic work.

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 16 Mar 2025 03:39 PM
  • End time: 31 Mar 2025 03:41 PM
  • All times are (UTC-03:00) Santiago
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Edmundo Larenas 219
  • Concepción, Bio-Bio
  • Chile
  • Building: Facultad de Ingeniería Udec, Edificio Tecnológico Mecánico

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Co-sponsored by Universidad de Concepción, Facultad Ingeniería


Alonso Maricahuin
