Talk on "Improved Circular Wave guide and Conical Horn Radiators with Semi Circular Grooved Transverse Corrugations"
A Technical talk on "Improved Circular Wave guide and Conical Horn Radiators with Semi Circular Grooved Transverse Corrugations "
Date and Time
- Date: 17 Nov 2017
- Time: 12:00 PM to 02:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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- Indian Institute of Technology Kahargpur
- Department of E & ECE
- Kharagpur, West Bengal
- India 721302
- Room Number: NKN, Department of E&ECE
- Contact Event Host
Professor P K Saha
Invited Talk on "Improved Circular Wave guide and Conical Horn Radiators with Semi Circular Grooved Transverse Corrugati
Professor Pradip Kumar Saha is an eminent researcher and educator of this country. He has an enviable academic record: got 6th position in Higher Secondary Examination (1960), 1st class 2nd position in Physics Honours from Presidency College (1963), 1st class 1st position in B. Tech. in Radio Physics and Electronics (1965) and 1st class 4th position in M. Tech in RPE (1966).
He worked as a Ph.D. student in Leeds University (shifted to Queen Mary College, London) and got his degree in 1970 working on microwave horn antenna. He joined IRPE as a lecturer in 1971, which is the starting point of his illustrious career as a teacher and researcher in India. Subsequently, he worked as a Reader in Defence sponsored project, as a Reader in the Institue of Radio Physics and Electronics thereafter, as Professor in 1986, head of the department during 1998-2000, as the Director of Centre for Research in Microwaves and mm waves at IRPE, Deputy Coordinator of CAS in RPE (1998-2005) and in many other capacities, till his retirement from service in the University of Calcutta in 2009.
Prof. Saha is well known for his pioneering research in corrugated horn antenna. He is also the pioneer in India to produce high power Gunn oscillators. His work on Ritz-Galerkin methods to analyze microwave components and use of cavity perturbation techniques to study microwave properties of materials as a non-invasive technique are well recognized. He was invited into the Editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. He served as experts in the DRDO’s Research Centre IMARAT, in SAMEER-Kolkata, CSIR-CEERI, DRDL-Hyderabad as well as a Visiting Professor in Royal Military College, Canada.
Professor P K Saha of Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, India.
Invited Talk on "Improved Circular Wave guide and Conical Horn Radiators with Semi Circular Grooved Transverse Corrugati
Address:Kolkata, India
Professor P K Saha
Invited Talk on "Improved Circular Wave guide and Conical Horn Radiators with Semi Circular Grooved Transverse Corrugati
Professor Pradip Kumar Saha is an eminent researcher and educator of this country. He has an enviable academic record: got 6th position in Higher Secondary Examination (1960), 1st class 2nd position in Physics Honours from Presidency College (1963), 1st class 1st position in B. Tech. in Radio Physics and Electronics (1965) and 1st class 4th position in M. Tech in RPE (1966).
He worked as a Ph.D. student in Leeds University (shifted to Queen Mary College, London) and got his degree in 1970 working on microwave horn antenna. He joined IRPE as a lecturer in 1971, which is the starting point of his illustrious career as a teacher and researcher in India. Subsequently, he worked as a Reader in Defence sponsored project, as a Reader in the Institue of Radio Physics and Electronics thereafter, as Professor in 1986, head of the department during 1998-2000, as the Director of Centre for Research in Microwaves and mm waves at IRPE, Deputy Coordinator of CAS in RPE (1998-2005) and in many other capacities, till his retirement from service in the University of Calcutta in 2009.
Prof. Saha is well known for his pioneering research in corrugated horn antenna. He is also the pioneer in India to produce high power Gunn oscillators. His work on Ritz-Galerkin methods to analyze microwave components and use of cavity perturbation techniques to study microwave properties of materials as a non-invasive technique are well recognized. He was invited into the Editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. He served as experts in the DRDO’s Research Centre IMARAT, in SAMEER-Kolkata, CSIR-CEERI, DRDL-Hyderabad as well as a Visiting Professor in Royal Military College, Canada.