Events List

The Events List API call can be used to produce a list of events matching parameters provided.


Name Required? Value Description
category_id v2 Optional 1[,2,3] One or more integers, comma-separated. When specified, the events returned will be only those with the categories specified.
subcategory_id v2 Optional 1[,2,3] One or more integers, comma-separated. When specified, the events returned will be only those with the subcategories specified.
span Optional See docs home page The 'span' parameter works against the event 'start-time'
sort Optional See docs home page
delta Optional See docs home page
limit Optional See docs home page
page Optional 1..n (default is 1) Allows pagination of returned events list, in cooperation with 'limit' parameter. In order to facilitate paging, the response includes a 'paging' property in the top-level 'meta' property, that includes values for the current 'page' and 'limit', as well as the 'total_pages' that are available.
id v4 Optional 123456 Allows only including a single event in the feed, by providing the Event id. Note that this is added to any other parameters, so if other parameters provided exlude the event, there will be no results.
published v5 Optional 1, true, 0, false, all (default is true) If 1 or true, will restrict results to only events that have been published. If 0 or false, will restrict results to only events that have not been published (i.e. draft).
reported v4 Optional 1, true, 0, false, all (default is all) If 1 or true, will restrict results to only events that have been reported. If 0 or false, will restrict results to only events that have not been reported.
location_type v5 Optional virtual, physical, hybrid, all (default is all) If 'virtual', will restrict results to only events that are virtual. If 'physical', will restrict results to only events that are physical. If 'hybrid', will restrict results to only events that are hybrid. If 'all', will not restrict restrict results by location type.
include_speakers Optional true (default is false) Speaker data associated with an event is not included by default. If speaker data is desired in the response, add the include_speakers=true parameter.
This parameter is deprecated as of v5. Use the include parameter instead.
include v5 Optional speakers,media,enhanced_report Use this parameter to include extra data associated to each event.

Speaker data associated with an event is not included by default. If speaker data is desired in the response, include speakers in the include.

Media data associated with an event is not included by default. If media data is desired in the response, include media in the include.

Enhanced reporting data associated with an event is not included by default. If enhanced reporting data is desired in the response, include enhanced_reporting in the include.
tags v5 Optional robotics,#ieeeday Allows only selecting events that have the specified tag(s) associated with them. NOTE that, when multiple values are specified, they should be comma-separated. By default, multiple values are OR'd, but the tags_connector parameter can be used to AND them instead.
tags_connector v5 Optional AND When multiple values are submitted for the tags parameter, the default is for the query to OR those values. Specifying tags_connector=AND will cause the query to AND the values instead.

Formats v2

The Events List can be consumed in a number of formats. They all support the same input parameters, with the format for the response being indicated by the extension (.json - or no extension since this is the default, .xml, .ical, .rss, .html, .csv) in the request URL (see examples).

The XML, iCal, RSS, and HTML formats are intended to be replacements for the Events legacy feeds.

Format Extension Description
JSON JSON DEFAULT. When an extension is not specified, JSON is the format that is used.
XML xml Produces an XML feed for events that match the input parameters. This XML feed is based off of the legacy Events XML feed, but is continuing to evolve. It now has an associated Document Type Definition.
iCal ics Produces an iCal feed of the events that match the input parameters.
Time Zones v3
Prior to v3, start and end times for events in iCal format were indicated in UTC ("20210414T223000Z"). Starting with v3, the time zones for all events included in an iCal feed will be included (with a VTIMEZONE entry, with each event specifying its time zone with its start and end times (i.e. "TZID=Africa/Tunis:20210414T213000").
RSS rss Produces an RSS feed of the events that match the input parameters.
HTML html Produces an embeddable HTML list of the events that match the input parameters.
CSV v5 csv Produces a CSV file of the events that match the input parameters. The fields included in the CSV should match the fields downloaded from the search page(s).

Custom Feeds v2

Custom feeds for specific subsets of events (by Organizational Unit type, region, section, or society, for example) can be requested by contacting staff.