IEEE Presidents Forum
An Unprecedented Event
On September 27th, 2018 the current CEO & President Jim Jefferies, President-elect Jose' Moura and Stephen Welby Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer will address a world-wide audience.
This free event is open to all, members, former members, and others interested in learning more about IEEE.
Join us in person in Colorado or view the event on IEEE-TV. All three gentlemen will address the future of IEEE and speak to where the organization is headed.
Members will be able to submit, in real time, questions. Stephen Welby Executive Director and COO will join Jose' and Jim to answer your questions.
If you have been wondering about the future of IEEE or have always wanted to ask a question of the organization's top managment, this is your chance.
Your participation will help influence the direction of our organization for years to come.
The Colorado IEEE Sections urge you to participate!
Please register as soon as possible so that we can plan capacities. Registration is free. Disregard the payment statements concerning PayPal and non refundable payments.
More information available at:
Date and Time
- Date: 27 Sep 2018
- Time: 10:30 PM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC
Add Event to Calendar
- Iris & Michael Smith Alumni Center
- 701 W Pitkin St.
- Fort Collins , Colorado
- United States 80523-7114
- Building: CSU Stadium
- Starts 01 May 2018 09:48 PM UTC
- Ends 27 September 2018 10:00 PM UTC
- Admission fee ?
Jim Jefferies
IEEE President and CEO
Jim Jefferies retired from AT&T and Lucent Technologies following 33 years in engineering and executive positions including fiber optic cable development and manufacturing, quality assurance, and supply chain management. He managed the engineering teams that delivered the first commercial fiber optic cables for AT&T. He served as logistics vice president, responsible for worldwide supply chain and export planning. He has led teams in major technology transfers, transitions of information technology, and organizational change. He has also worked in the entrepreneurial sector as Chief Operating Officer for in San Francisco, CA, USA.
Jim served two separate terms on the IEEE Board of Directors, as well as the 2015 IEEE-USA President. As President of IEEE-USA, Jim supported the expanded focus on public visibility, young professionals, and humanitarian outreach.
He received his BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nebraska and an MS in Engineering Science from Clarkson University. He attended the Stanford University Graduate School of Business as a Sloan Fellow and earned an MS in Management.
Jim is a member of the IEEE Eta Kappa Nu honorary society and a licensed professional engineer (Emeritus).
Please Note:
Stephen Welby, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer will also be speaking but due to the limitations of Vtools we cannot post his picture and resume. Please go to for complete details.
José Moura
IEEE 2018 President-elect
José M. F. Moura is the Philip L. and Marsha Dowd University Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and the U.S. National Academies Navy Study Board, corresponding member of Portugal Academy of Sciences, and Fellow of U.S. National Academy of Inventors, IEEE, and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He holds a doctorate from MIT and an EE from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa (IST), Portugal.
José holds 14 patents, including two used in over three billion disk drive chips in 60% of all computers sold in the last decade and the subject of a 2016 US $ 750 million dollar settlement between Carnegie Mellon and a semiconductor manufacturer. He is President and cofounded Spiralgen, a company that specializes in super-fast software components for cutting-edge parallel platforms. This includes technology licensed by Intel (10 million lines of code in Intel’s IPP) and licensed and used by several other companies.
He received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Award for outstanding technical contributions and leadership in signal processing and the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award for fundamental contributions to statistical signal processing.
José will strive for a transparent, lean, open IEEE that runs a balanced operations budget and focuses its capital investments on building IEEE’s future by creating new sustainable businesses that serve members and IEEE’s technical communities. A second related priority is to significantly increase its membership by making IEEE relevant to professionals from all walks of life, young and seasoned, from any country in the world or industry.
José has served as the Technical Activities Vice-President and has been a member of the IEEE Board of Directors where he served as Division IX Director. He was also a member of the Technical Activities Board, IEEE Awards Board, Educational Activities Board, Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB), and PSPB Strategic Planning Committee. He is also a founding member of the IEEE Portugal Section.
Please register and take the survey as soon as possible so that we can plan capacities. Registration is free. Disregard the payment statements concerning PayPal and non refundable payments.
The event will be live streamed both on IEEE TV and Facebook. Questions will be taken by a chat application.