Registration is closed for the event requested
IEEE COMSOC/SP and CTCN Joint Holiday Social and Networking Event, Tuesday, December 18, 2016
You are invited to share an evening with your colleagues and enjoy some holiday cheer.
COMSOC/SP and CTCN will provide the snacks and a drink. Anything more is up to you.
Reservations: Please register so that we know approximately how many are coming. Last minute walk-ins and guests welcome.
on Mo-Pac north bound frontage road in front of Fry's Electronics..
Opal Devine's Marina Austin Grill, 12709 Mopac & Parmer Lane in north Austin, TX 78727
Time: 5pm to 7pm. Come and go as your time permits.
The COMSOC/SP website is:
The CTCN website is:
Date and Time
- Date: 18 Dec 2018
- Time: 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
Add Event to Calendar
- 12709 Mopac Expressway
- Austin, Texas
- United States 78727
- Building: Opal Devine's Marina Austin Grill
- Contact Event Host
Lester Johnson, IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network
- Co-sponsored by CTS COMSOC/SP
- Starts 08 December 2018 09:45 AM
- Ends 18 December 2018 07:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
- 6 in-person spaces left!
- No Admission Charge
5:00pm to 7:00pm
The Consultants Network meets monthly. Except when meeting jointly with other groups, the Consultants Network meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings usually begin with informal networking from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m., followed by presentations from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. by experts in technology, marketing, sales, advertising, financial or legal needs of small businesses and special needs of consultants.